


teacher, future primary school teacher, methodical competence, formation of methodical competence of future primary school teachers, criteria, indicators, levels of formation of methodical competence of future primary school teachers


The article emphasizes the relevance of the issue of the formation of methodological competence of future primary school teachers. We interpret the methodological competence of future teachers as a complex multifunctional system of professional and pedagogical skills and personal abilities of the teacher, which determine his ability to effectively organize the educational process in primary grades in accordance with educational tasks. Based on the analysis of psychological-pedagogical and scientific sources, the components, criteria, indicators and levels of the specified competence of future teachers are singled out. The views of scientists regarding the interpretation of the definitions “criterion”, “indicator”, “level” were analyzed; own interpretation of these concepts is proposed. Thus, the concept of “criterion” as a necessary feature that allows us to assess the presence or absence of a certain component of methodical competence of future primary school teachers, that is the phenomenon under investigation; “indicator” is interpreted as a component of the criterion that reveals the completeness of its expression, and the concept of “level” is defined as the degree of manifestation of the component of methodical competence to be studied. On the basis of previously defined the components of methodical competence of future primary school teachers (stimulation-motivational, cognitive-cognitive, activity-creative and personal-reflective), the criteria and indicators of methodical competence of future primary school teachers are allocated, and their relationship is analyzed. The levels of formation of methodical competence of future primary school teachers are defined and characterized. Among them are allocated reproductive, basic and productive Each level contains a detailed characteristic taking into account all the criteria defined earlier. Thus, the reproductive level of formation of methodical competence of future primary school teachers is characterized as the lowest, marked by a weak expression or a complete lack of appropriate criteria. The basic level of formation of methodological competence is characterized by the need of future primary school teachers for greater independence and the manifestation of a creative approach to the implementation of pedagogical activities. The productive level of formation of methodological competence of future primary school teachers is marked by high independence, awareness and creativity in the performance of professional functions.


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