


teachers, parents, New Ukrainian school, educational space, social thinking, soft skills


Competence potential provides the opportunity for comprehensive development of the individual based on key competencies. It is natural that scientists consider the education of a person and the educational system only in a specific socio-cultural context due to the multifaceted nature of their relations. According to them, education performs socio-cultural functions. Therefore, modern stakeholders expect that a potential employee will be able to think creatively, manage time, communicate, use networking, conduct projects, work in a team, develop websites, make computer graphics, video editing, etc. It is important for students to acquire a set of traits and knowledge that will help them be successful: teamwork, leadership, quick adaptation, sociability, critical thinking, building interpersonal relationships. Lately, information has become extremely widespread in the structure of characteristics of people who will possess critical, creative and empathetic thinking. The purpose of the article is the content analysis of social communication (soft skills) of students, which is promising in the professional activity of GSEI (institutions of general secondary education – zaklady zahalnoii serednioii osvity (ZZSO)) employees and parents. To achieve the research goal became possible owing to the use of the following scientific knowledge methods: analysis of psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature on the problems of forming social communication skills (SOFT-SKILLS), study and systematization of the domestic and foreign experience of SOFT-SKILLS training in the educational process, questionnaires. The article proves that filling the content of the educational program with the ability of the educational process participants to acquire soft skills, forming a communication strategy with the subjects of interaction according to ethical norms, applying democratic technologies and making collective decisions is quite relevant. The educational program of GSEI (ZZSO) should ensure the acquisition of soft skills by students throughout the entire period of study. Effective obtaining soft skills will be facilitated by semi-research, problem-oriented, research, interactive methods, as well as forms of education and upbringing: edutainment or gamification, storytelling, comics, case technologies, multimedia technologies, web forum, blog, forum-theatre, coaching, cluster methods, narrative methods, screen technologies, etc. Methodically competently and successfully used innovations stimulate the activity of students, and thanks to this, teachers manage to achieve educational goals. Conclusions and proposals. Mastery of soft skills is an absolute requirement of our present and, moreover, of the future. An important role in solving this problem is given to the integration of parents and teachers in the educational process. Innovative technologies are those tools that arouse interest of students. That is why schoolchildren learn new skills with pleasure. However, it is vital to spend more time improving the qualifications of teachers to possess the required forms and methods of conducting educational classes. Further study of the problem specified is a thorough analysis of the forms and methods of work, as well as their application in the educational process. Learning in a child’s life should become a constant process of selfdevelopment. This should be realized not only by the child, but also by adults, in order not only to focus exclusively on the acquisition of “hard” skills. Now, probably, more than ever before, society needs not just a tool for performing work tasks, but the ability to build and maintain friendly relations with the people around you.


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