


qualified athletes, boxers Igrovyky, boxers Powervyky, boxers Tempovyky


At the current stage of preparing athletes for competitions of various levels of sports qualification, the training process does not always take into account the peculiarities of sports tactical training of boxers. The purpose of the article was to conduct a comparative analysis of a series of side punches (jabs) in 20 seconds by qualified boxers of different types of fighting styles. The research was carried out in 2 youth sports schools in the city of Kharkiv, sports school № 9 and Poltava sports school № 2. 25 qualified athletes engaged in boxing at the age of 17–19 years of various types of fighting styles participated in it. For the distribution of athletes according to the types of fighting manners, namely: (Player; Pacemaker; Powerworker) tests of physical qualities and special physical fitness were used according to the program developed for the Junior High School. Thus, after conducting studies of a series of direct side blows with the hands (hook) by qualified boxers of different fighting styles, we can state that the results presented in our work by qualified boxers were of a different nature according to the defined groups: Player, Strength, Tempo. The first group of Igrovyk boxers had quite powerful blows and did not have a fast nature of striking, which indicates the type of Igrovyk, the group of Silovyky, in turn, had the following indicators, not a high-speed nature of striking, but the total number of kilograms of impact on the punching bag indicates that a group of Security Forces delivers powerful blows, which indicates the correctness of the chosen type of battle. The most interesting type of fighting manners was Tempovik, which in turn showed the high-speed nature of punching the punching bag, as well as a fairly high total number of kilograms applied during the period of the study. The article highlights the main components of the distribution of the power of a series of side blows according to the tactical types of fighting manners of qualified boxers. The more detailed conclusions presented in the results of the types Igrovyk and Silovik were (t = 2,44; p < 0,05). In turn, the results of the Silovik and Tempovik types were even more powerful (t = 3,73; p < 0,001). Only in the groups of Igrovyk and Tempovyk were the results weak (t = 1,14; p > 0,05). In terms of the speed of hitting the punching bag in one second during the study, which took place for 20 seconds, the results were the same in the groups of Igrovyk and Silovyk (t = 1,26; p > 0,05). The results of the Silovik and Tempovik types, respectively (t = 2,40; p < 0,05). The only non-reliable result occurred in the types of Igrovyk and Tempovik (t = 1,51; p > 0,05).


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