


technology teachers, metaphorical associative maps, metaphorical associative cards, creative abilities, pedagogical situations.


Introduction: Integration processes in psychological and pedagogical sciences prompt to search for innovative tools which help to develop creative abilities of future pedagogical specialists. It is very important for a future modern teacher of technology to acquire not only a set of professional competencies provided by educational standards, but also means for self-development, which in the future will contribute to the professional mobility and competitiveness on the unstable labour market of educational services. The article highlights the theoretical and practical experience of applying metaphor and metaphorical associative maps (MAMs) for higher education students of psychological and pedagogical specialities. The purpose of the article is to introduce the theoretical and practical aspects of creating and applying metaphorical associative maps as an innovative psychological and pedagogical method of developing the creative abilities of future technology teachers. To achieve the goal of the study, the following methods were used: comparative method, method of critical analysis, as well as methods of generalisation and systematisation of the materials, which together gave the opportunity to carefully analyse the basic principles and psychological mechanisms on which the work of MAM is based. The article provides methodology for validating the verbal and non-verbal parts of the deck using an associative experiment and the method of expert assessments. The retrospective analysis of the literature allows to substantiate the expediency of using metaphorical cards and the main MAC decks in pedagogical activities. The result of the study is the step-by-step construction of the MAM deck, based on the scientific developments of the creation MAM decks by N. Vernikova and E. Morozovska and the theoretical concept of solving pedagogical situations proposed by L. Milto. Originality of the work is based on the content of the main steps in creating a deck from finding a general idea to making up exercises aimed at developing the creative abilities of future technology teachers in solving various situations encountered in pedagogical activities. Conclusion: The article highlights the stages of development of the first and second parts of the visual deck, which contains traumatic and neutral situations, and the second (resource) part, which contains resources in the form of images and motivating instructions. In the future, it is planned to develop a set of trainings and transformational games, as well as to expand the visual range of the deck based on the creative works of students – future technology teachers.


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