contextual learning, educational technology, methodological educational technology, education seeker, professional training, future preschool teacher.Abstract
Introduction. The presented article raises the problem of implementing the methodological educational technology of contextual learning as a direction. The modern realities of domestic education reform and integration into the European educational space require the adaptation of the professional and methodical principles of training a future preschool education specialist to new requirements, namely, a practical specialist with developed soft skills and critical thinking, capable of solving complex professional tasks. At the same time, a Ukrainian graduate of a higher education institution will carry out professional activity in the conditions of the post-war development of the country, for its successful implementation, changes should be made to the content of the educational and professional program already at the stage of professional training. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to determine the contradictions between the content of training and the requirements for future specialists put forward by customers, and the ways to resolve them, as well as the justification of educational technologies that are appropriate to use in the study of special disciplines in the conditions of mixed education. Methods. In the course of the scientific analysis of the specifics of contextual learning, the following research methods were used, such as: the method of moving from the abstract to the concrete and formalization. Results. The article analyzes the forms of contextual learning; on the example of the construction of a problem lecture, the peculiarities of the implementation of the main principles of contextual education of future teachers of a preschool education institution are revealed.It was found that in the process of contextual learning, imitative forms of organization of learning gain special importance in order to include the student of education in active educational and cognitive activities to understand the integrity of the future professional activity or its large fragments in the process of its imitation. Originality. The need for the educational technology of contextual learning in the context of training future teachers of special education is scientifically substantiated; the essence is revealed and the main scientific concepts involved in the research are characterized; the essence and structure of the "contextual learning" phenomenon; the forms of education are characterized in the context of the study and their effectiveness is substantiated. Conclusion. Thus, it is obvious that the high-quality training of a future competitive educator, who is able to apply the latest professional methods, design the educational process based on innovative educational technologies for teaching and raising preschool children, realizes the leading task of professional education. At the same time, a new vision of the perspectives of contextual learning points to the key practice-oriented guidelines for the implementation of methodological educational technologies in post-war Ukraine.
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