


psychological support, participants of the educational process, stress resistance, war, support program.


Introduction. The problem of psychological support for students is always very relevant, especially in the conditions of military conflicts and crisis situations. War, conflict or other stressful events significantly affect the mental state of children and adolescents. It is important to investigate and analyze the peculiarities of psychological support of the participants of the educational process in the realities of the war in Ukraine. The relevance of this problem is manifested in the negative impact of excessive excitement, stress, anxiety and learning, the general development of children, the preservation of mental health and positive microclimate in the team. This requires a systematic response from educational institutions, government agencies and specialists in the field of psychology to provide support for children and adults who have experienced stressful situations due to military conflicts or other events. Purpose. Military conflict impact assessment on the mental health of participants in the educational process for the development and implementation of a psychological support program. Methods. The scientific research used the method of critical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, practical experience. The following methods were widely used: observation, interview, questionnaire, rating, modeling, survey, focus group, empirical experiment. Results. The study analyzed the impact of war events on the psyche and emotional state of participants in the educational process. The results of an empirical study of psychological indicators, which include an assessment of the level of stress, anxiety, depression and other mental reactions among students and teachers, are summarized; revealed their experiences, experiences and mental state during the war period. Based on the received data, a program of psychological support that meets specific needs has been developed. This program includes individual consultations, group sessions, stress resistance training and psychological meetings. Possible strategies of psychological support and methods of assistance for teachers in working with children during military operations are considered. Practical advice and recommendations for psychologists, teachers and parents are offered, which are aimed at ensuring effective psychological protection and support of participants in the educational process in the realities of the war in Ukraine. Originality. A program of psychological support for participants in the educational process in war conditions has been developed and adapted. The program includes individual consultations, group classes, stress resistance training and psychological classes. Conclusion. Methodical recommendations and tips for implementing a program of psychological support for participants in the educational process: ensuring safe and supportive climate in an educational institution, giving teachers and students the opportunity to consult with psychologists to discuss their emotions, stress and ways to overcome them; training of teaching staff. Organization and conduct of art therapy classes using game, simulation, role-playing methods; systems of trainings and classes aimed at developing stress management skills, self-help and self-regulation, increasing stress resistance. Creation of psychological support and discussion groups where participants can share their feelings, experiences and receive emotional help from each other. Information about free psychological counseling centers; distribution of textbooks, brochures and other materials that contain useful tips and strategies for emotional regulation in the conditions of the war in Ukraine. Involvement of parents, the public and local communities in supporting the psychological well-being of participants in the educational process.


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The future of distance education in war or the education of the future (the Ukrainian case study) / M. Sherman et al. Futurity Education. 2022. № 2 (3). Р. 13–22. DOI: 10.57125/FED/2022.10.11.30.

