positioning of a higher education institution, image markers, professional practice, directions for organizing professional practice, market of educational services.Abstract
Introduction. For Ukrainian higher education institutions, staying competitive for prospective students becomes relevant not only through the provision of quality educational services but also through the formation and maintenance of a positive reputation in society, positioning that takes into account the expectations and needs of students and consumers of educational services. Despite the numerous studies dedicated to researching various aspects of positioning higher education institutions in the educational services market, the issue of identifying directions for implementing marketing activities and managing one's own brand remains pertinent. Purpose: determining the priority areas for organizing professional practice of students as a factor in positioning a higher education institution in the market of educational services. Methods: analysis of works, informational reference publications on pedagogy, pedagogical psychology, educational management to examine theoretical aspects of researched problem; the method of texts purposeful observation in publications by contemporary Ukrainian educators for analyzing the modern Ukrainian market of educational services, determining image markers for positioning a higher education institution; the method of systematization and generalization`s experience for identifying and characterizing the main directions of students organizing professional practice as a factor in positioning a higher education institution in the market of educational services. Results. The features of establishing cooperation with foundational institutions of different types and ownership forms, procedures for administering practice, adapting its content to the requirements of the educational services modern market and the use of media space for presenting the results of the future educators practical training have been characterized. Informational and advisory measures have been considered, allowing to direct the practical training of higher education students towards their professional self-realization, employment in their field, and career growth. Originality. The article, for the first time, establishes the interdependence of the students` professional practice processes and the positioning of a higher education institution. It emphasizes the formation and maintenance of a positive reputation for higher education institutions, identifies priority directions for organizing students` professional practice as a factor in positioning a higher education institution in the market of educational services. Conclusion. Professional practice of students is, on the one hand, a clearly structured system providing practiceoriented learning, including the implementation of the measures` variety to enhance the educational services quality. On the other hand, it serves as a distinctive indicator of the prestige and trust of employers in the higher education institution.
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