methodology, methodological aspects, methodology of forming communicative culture, professional development of specialists, methodological problems and factors, practice of training and development of communicative culture, business management specialists.Abstract
Introduction. The research updates the methodological aspects of the analysis of professional training practice and the development of communicative culture of specialists in the field of business management. Purpose. The research has contributed to achieving its goal, to be exact − substantiating the need for the formation of methodological support for pedagogical research on the professional development of communicative culture in business management. Methods. This justification is based on a comparative analysis of relevant practices in the continuous education system. To achieve the objectives of the research, methodological framework has been established for effective analysis, incorporating the following approaches: comparative analysis – identifies methodological aspects of practical experience, including progressive domestic and European practices in the formation and development of communicative culture of business management specialists This involves substantiating and defining the specifics of the research object .Factorial problem analysis determines factors and problems in the methodology of forming communicative culture, including thesaurus and methodological organizers of scientific research. This involves identifying the preconditions and factors of problematic situations in practical (domestic and international) experience. Cultural and artistic potential enhancement ensures the growth and development of the cultural and artistic potential of communicative culture of business management professionals. It extends to the fields of information, library, and archival affairs, particularly within the academic space of education, science, and the innovative dimension of the Europeanization of educational axiology for the sustainable development of Ukraine. Results. The needs of the formation of a methodical organizer of the analysis of the state of pedagogical research for professional training and the development of communicative culture in the field of office management on the basis of comparative, factorial and problem analysis of the practical and useful experience of the organization in the system of continuous education are emphasized and revealed. The author's vision of the concept of «methodology of communicative culture formation» and «components of the hierarchy architecture of the methodology of communicative culture formation» have been revealed and formulated. The methodological aspects determining the process of professional development of business management specialists are highlighted. The components of the research subject area are identified as a complex of factors influencing potential and the methodological problems of the systemic methodology of forming and developing communicative culture of business management specialists. Originality. The novelty of the study lies in disclosing and substantiating the potential of the methodology of forming communicative culture of business management specialists in the fields of culture and arts. Conclusion. It includes the development of a methodological and categorical apparatus for analyzing the practice of professional training and development of communicative culture of business management specialists. The paper also refines the methodological aspects of analysis, the complex of factors influencing methodological potential, and the methodological problems of the process of forming and developing communicative culture of business management specialists. Suggestions for further pedagogical research are proposed, focusing on the directions of research methodologies and teaching methods in specific disciplines.
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