



time management, methods of time management, «absorbers» of time, future teachers.


Introduction. The third millennium brings challenges in various spheres of the life. Education does not stay aside. Modernization of the education sphere involves the development of the «life-longlearning» system. It becomes obvious to work productively, «on the result» in it. Time is called the main value of the 21-st century by specialists of various fields. Rationalization of spending time is an inexhaustible reserve of self-development, Releasing of vital energy for new and interesting things. A professional must learn to plan his time, especially if his own development trajectory and success of other people depend on him. According to the latest research of the magazine «Forbes», the most authoritative world edition in the field of finance and business, among the Top 10 skills and abilities which are demanded by employers in the next 10 years, is time management. Therefore, we believe that future teachers, as specialists in the modern field of education, should also learn not only to organize properly their own time, but also to help students to acquire such an important skill. Purpose. Theoretically analyze the concept of time management and outline its advantages as the time management system in the practical training of the future teachers. Methods. There were used such theoretical methods as analysis, comparison, selection and generalization of material, creation of new ideas during the research. The analysis of scientific literature made it possible to determine the main characteristics of time-management and compare this definition with other related concepts. Techniques of critical comprehension of information were used to generalize scientific researches. It made possible to formulate own thoughts. Empirical methods which were used in the study gave reasons for making conclusions about effectiveness and necessity of such a skill as time management. Results. The research has shown that time management is a system of skills that teaches to use ime efficiently. It can be effective under certain circumstances: regular planning, analysis, finding methods of combating the causes of time wastage. Time management is an important flexible skill in the professional activity of every specialist. The future teachers cannot avoid it. The important educational task of both an educator and a primary school teacher is to Learn to use their own time rationally and then to teach their students. Originality. In this article you can find practical experience of teaching of the future teachers. There are methods and techniques of time-management in addition to the theoretical research. It was used a training as a type of the lesson. There were represented the following methods such as «Tomato», «Swiss cheese», «Frog for breakfast». They showed that such methodical decisions are justified and provide qualitative changes in results, which were obtained. Conclusion. Modern society is developing extremely dynamically. Time is such a value that you need to learn to use rationally. The following skill is necessary for the professional activity of every specialist. It also applies to future teachers. Time management is an important skill for planning, solving complex tasks, making reasonable decisions for future teachers both during their educational process and in their future profession. Prospects for the further research are practical work over the implementation of time management methods and techniques in the educational process of the future teachers.


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