radiation literacy, radiation risk, secondary school teacher, science teacher, interdisciplinary integration, scientific and natural knowledge.Abstract
Introduction. The problem of the study is based on the fact that radiation literacy is one of the key components of preparing an individual for life in the modern world. In this context, the development of RL among secondary school teachers is considered especially relevant, since they are responsible for the formation of basic knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren. The purpose of the study is to analyze and identify interdisciplinary connections in teaching radiation literacy to future science teachers. The implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the study of radiation literacy by future science teachers should be considered in the light of the modern natural science picture of the world. The research methods include theoretical analysis of scientific literature and regulatory and legal support; systematization of the developments of teacher-researchers in the context of radiation literacy; generalization of transitional conclusions and contextualization; deduction, induction and theoretical modeling of educational processes. The main results of the study are the analysis of educational and professional programs, which allowed us to establish that the "starting point" in the formation of radiation literacy of science teachers is life safety, since its study involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills about radiation risks and ways to protect people from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. Consistent study of physics, biology and chemistry in combination with a number of social and humanitarian disciplines allows for a holistic, objective understanding of radiation risks and hazards. Scientific novelty: the author has determined that the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the study of radiation literacy by future science teachers is important and should ensure: a systematic and comprehensive approach to the study of radiation; strengthening the practical orientation of learning; development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students; formation of stable value orientations for the safe use of nuclear energy. At the same time, a number of didactic principles (systematicity, integrity, relevance, practical orientation and value-based approach) are substantiated that ensure interdisciplinary integration in the study of radiation literacy by future science teachers and the forms (comprehensive classes, projects, individual research tasks, excursions, informational educational activities and pedagogical practice) of their direct practical implementation. Conclusions. Further research should focus on applied experimental activities to test the proposed approaches to implementing interdisciplinary links in the study of radiation literacy by future science teachers.
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