


tutor, tutoring, tutoring activity, professional development of a teacher-tutor, professional competency of a tutor, intra-school system of professional development of teachers.


Introduction. The article is dedicated to the question of improving the qualifications of teachers as tutors due to the creation of an intra-school system of professional development. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to justify the need to create an in-school system of professional development of teacher-tutors as one of the conditions for the implementation of tutoring activities in an institution of general secondary education. Methods. The following research methods are used in the article: study, analysis and generalization of scientific and pedagogical sources in order to substantiate the need to develop and implement an intra-school system of professional development of teachers as tutors in institutions of general secondary education. Results. The author determines the relevance and demand for individualization of the educational process by society, the implementation of which is possible due to the implementation of tutoring activities. In the article, the author presents her own interpretations of such concepts as: tutoring, tutor and tutoring activity. The author emphasizes that the implementation of tutoring activity is possible only by a teacher-tutor who is familiar with tutoring methods, knows how to work in the conditions of individualization and personalization, to provide academic and social-emotional support to students, which is especially relevant in the conditions of overcoming the disruptions of the educational process. The article states that these tasks can be solved under the condition of creating an intra-school system of professional development of teachers as tutors. Originality. The article presents the author's vision of the intra-school system of professional development of teachers as tutors, indicating the following components of the system: directions, forms and types, methods, resources, organization, management, and results. The author also identifies the stages of implementation of the intra-school system of professional development of teachers as tutors, providing their meaningful characteristics. These stages are: preparatory-diagnostic, theoretical, practical and control-evaluation. Conclusion. At the end of the article, the author notes that taking into account the specifics of an individual educational institution and its development strategy will contribute to the creation of such a system that will meet the demands of all subjects of the educational process, in particular, the tutoring process.


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