


social work, general trends, social challenges, innovative practices of social work, and foreign technologies of social work.


The article explains the general tendencies and peculiarities of social work in Europe and the world; outlines the specifics of implementing new social work practices in the Republic of Poland; investigates the possibilities of extrapolating the innovative foreign technologies to social work practice in Ukraine. Purpose: to reveal the general trends and features of the international experience of the formation of social work; outline the specifics of the application of the latest social work practices in the Republic of Poland; to investigate the possibilities of introducing innovative foreign technologies into the practice of social work in Ukraine. To achieve the goal of the scientific article, an integration of methods was used: chronological-systemic – aimed at identifying trends in the development of the status of social work in the genesis of its formation; personifiedbibliographic – for the analysis of the epistolary heritage, the contribution of pedagogical personalities to the development of the problem; structural and comparative – for the purpose of systematizing scientific literature and comparing their content; historical and diachronic – for the scientific substantiation of general trends and features of social work in Europe and the world. According to the results of a comparative analysis of the research results, the authors established that innovative practices of social work, built on the European principles of practical learning through experience, under the guidance of experienced mentors and leaders, have a tendency to be actively implemented in the social sphere in modern conditions of Ukraine. Based on the results of the research, we came to the conclusion that innovative practices of social work, built on the European principles of practical learning through experience, under the guidance of experienced mentors and managers in compliance with the conditions of supervision of social work in practice, have a tendency to be actively implemented in the domestic social sphere. In practice, innovations of foreign technologies of social work are progressively introduced into the domestic sphere of social work. In the domestic practical training of volunteers, workers of rehabilitation centers, who help soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and internally displaced persons to rehabilitate, the positive experience of foreign social work practices of public organizations regarding the implementation of modern forms and methods of communicative resocialization, oriented to the implementation of active training technologies, dramatic techniques, transactional games and decision-making games, social problem solving, interpersonal conflict resolution, etc. We believe that a systematically and consistently built philosophy of the collision of foreign and domestic reflections, as well as the integration of theoretical innovations and innovative practices of social security, will contribute to the fact that the control over the quality of social services will enter the stream of improving the forms and methods of social assistance and will ensure the effectiveness of an important way of supporting the professionalization of professional social workers in Ukraine.


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