institution of higher education, vocational training, social worker, deinstitutionalization, social work.Abstract
Introduction. An effective mechanism in reforming the state guardianship system in Ukraine is the spread of practice of guardianship, family-type children's homes and small group homes, foster families, adoption and family patronage. Purpose. Based on the theoretical analysis of research on professional training of specialists in the social sphere, to determine content, forms and methods of training of the future workers of social sphere to work in alternative forms of state care for children. Methods. To achieve the set goal, a set of methods was applied: theoretical (conceptual and comparative analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological and reference and encyclopedic literature, regulatory and legal documentation on the topic); empirical (content analysis, questionnaires, pedagogical observation, study and generalization of independent characteristics and pedagogical experience, surveys, testing, diagnostics). Results. The article presents a theoretical analysis of scientific sources that cover various aspects of training of future social workers to work in various forms of family upbringing. The relevance of deinstitutionalization of the state system of care and transformation of services for orphans and children deprived of parental care is substantiated. Based on study of the scientific literature, the essence of the concepts of «guardianship» and «alternative forms of state guardianship» is analyzed and these concepts are clarified. The author characterizes alternative forms of state care for children as a social phenomenon. The requirements for formation of content of professional training of future specialists to work in family forms of education are characterized; specific principles of this training (human-centeredness, rational use of resources, balanced decisions, individual and social significance) are highlighted; its pedagogical conditions are determined (formation of positive motivation of students to master professionally relevant knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen specialty; professional orientation of the educational process; educational and methodological support of educational components). The structure of professional readiness of future social workers for this type of activity is determined, which includes personal (traits, properties), theoretical (knowledge) and practical (skills) components. The criteria (personal, knowledge, activity), their indicators and levels (reproductive (low), productive (medium) and creative (high)) of future social workers' readiness to work in alternative forms of child care are specified. Originality. The structure of the professional readiness of future workers in social sphere to work in alternative forms of state child care has been determined, which includes personal, theoretical and practical components; the criteria (personal, cognitive, activity), their indicators and levels (reproductive (low), productive (medium) and creative (high)) of the professional readiness of future social workers to work in alternative forms of child care are specified. Conclusion. The analysis of scientific and pedagogical research made it possible to outline the actual vectors of qualitative renewal of training of future social workers and social educators, including: formation of professional readiness to work in alternative forms of state care, professional competence and professionalism, ability to continuous personal and professional self-improvement, readiness of the future specialist for creative practical application of fundamental knowledge; implementation of personality-oriented and competence-based approaches in professional education; mastering the tools of social (socio-pedagogical) work in alternative forms of care by students.
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Про вищу освіту : Закон України.
Стандарт вищої освіти: другий (магістерський) рівень вищої освіти, ступінь вищої освіти Магістр, галузь знань 23 Соціальна робота, спеціальність 231 Соціальна робота : Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України від 24.04.2019 № 556.