management, management of social work, purpose, principles, levels of management of social work.Abstract
Introduction. The examination of the social work management process in contemporary scientific research is considered to be urgent and relevant, especially in the context of the negative consequences of a state of the martial law for all citizen categories. Purpose. To synthesize and systematize theoretical materials and practical developments regarding the foreign and domestic experience in the organizing of the social work management process. Methods. Data systematization and synthesis, analysis, and synthesis. Results. Emphasis is placed on the organizational-structural analysis, functional analysis, analysis of management as a type of professional activity, analysis of management as a science, and analysis of management as an academic discipline. The application of data systematization and synthesis methods led to formulating a definition of social work management as a process of setting goals, tasks, and organizing practical activities for their achievement and execution. It is established that management theories influence not only social work but also managerial decisions made in the social sphere. The synthesis of three management theories and their potential impact on the social work management process indicates that social work service managers should make conscious efforts to understand and skillfully utilize the dialectical nature of employee motivation, institution management, and their own leadership. The analysis of leading management theories revealed that the main goal of social work management is planning, organizing, implementing, and monitoring the activities of an institution/organization to meet the clients' needs. Based on the postulate that achieving the goal of any activity becomes possible through adherence to specific starting points. A classification of social work management principles is presented: principles related to professional values, principles related to administrative functions, and general principles. The application of synthesis and generalization methods allowed identifying levels of social work management, including administrative (managerial or higher level), executive (middle level), and supervisory (operational or lower level). It is emphasized that adherence to a hierarchical multi-level management system enables modern social work to acquire characteristics of effectiveness, efficiency, systematicity, and comprehensive societal impact. Originality. An attempt is made to reveal the peculiarities of the social work management process in the conditions of forming an innovative economic and social reality. An analytical overview of management theories in social work is conducted, and the goals, principles, and levels of social work management are clarified. Conclusion. Unveiling the peculiarities of social work management in the modern dimension emphasizes the need to highlight management technologies at the state and regional levels in the face of evolving innovative economic and social realities.
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