correlational analysis, classical jerk, stage of initial training, psychophysiological qualities.Abstract
Introduction. The technique of performing exercises in sports is characterized by the effectiveness and rationality of the athlete's use of his physical capabilities. The correctness of the exercises is also influenced by the training experience and physical fitness of the athlete. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to establish a correlational dependence between the main elements of the classical jerk technique and morphological indicators and indicators of physical training that ensure their performance by young weightlifters aged 12 years. Methods. The research was carried out in 2 secondary schools in Kharkiv, Kharkiv State Secondary School No. ХТЗ and Kalnyshevsky State Secondary School in Romny. 26 athletes of the initial training stage aged 12 years in the category up to 50 kilograms participated in it. Results. The conducted correlation analysis will make it possible to adjust the technical component of a separate phase structure and develop sets of exercises using muscle groups that affect the development of motor qualities and mastering the elements of technique of young athletes engaged in weightlifting. Research was conducted after the stage of initial training (10–11 years old), during which the structure of movements was mainly mastered, without the use of heavy barbell weights. Originality. The article highlights the correlational relationship between the elements of the technique of the competitive exercise of the classic jerk and the morphological indicators of young weightlifters aged 12 years. Conclusion. Thus, it was established that the greatest correlation relationship occurred in individual elements of the technique, namely: the classical jerk with anthropometric indicators: «body weight» (r=0,612), «body length» (r=0,688), «thigh circumference» (r=0,852). Among the indicators of general physical fitness: «running for 30 m» (r=0,812), «long jump from a standing position» (r=0,715), «shuttle run 3x10 m» (r=0,868). Among the indicators of the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory system: «heart rate» (r=0,713), «tapping test, movements•min» (r=0,640), «concentration of attention according to the Bourdon test» (r=0,578), «mental stability» (r=0,530). The results of our correlation analysis confirm the data obtained in the study of V.G. Oleshko, which shows a high correlation relationship (from r=0,600 to r=0,900) between the level of achievements in individual elements of the technique of competitive exercises, namely: in the classic jerk of weightlifters – length, body weight, chest girth on inhalation and exhalation. The conducted correlational analysis of the relationship between the elements of the classical jerking technique and morphofunctional indicators, physical and psychophysiological qualities made it possible to take into account their data during the compilation of the experimental program.
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