qualified athletes, boxers Igrovyky, boxers Powervyky, boxers Tempovyky.Abstract
Introduction. At the current stage of preparing athletes for competitions of various levels of sports qualification, the training process does not always take into account the peculiarities of sports tactical training of boxers. Purpose. The purpose of the article was a comparative analysis of anthropometric indicators of qualified boxers of different types of fighting styles in order to determine the component systems in the training process. Methods. The research was carried out in 2 youth sports schools in the city of Kharkiv, sports school No. 9 and Poltava sports school No. 2. 25 qualified athletes engaged in boxing at the age of 17–19 years of various types of fighting styles participated in it. For the distribution of athletes according to the types of manners of conducting the match, namely: (Player; Tempovik; Powerworker). Results. A height meter was used to measure the length of the body (standing body length, sitting body length, length of the upper limb, length of the lower limb), to measure muscle circumferences (shoulder muscle circumference, thigh muscle circumference, chest circumference on inspiration and exhalation) an anthropometer or centimeter was used. To measure body weight, field scales were used, which register with an accuracy of 100 g. Originality. The article highlights the main components of anthropometric indicators in relation to the tactical types of combat style of qualified boxers.. Conclusion. The following anthropometric indicators were analyzed and found that the length of the body in the groups of Igrovyk and Silovyk was (t=2.16; p<0.05) for Silovyk and Tempovyk (t=3.14; p<0.01), respectively. In the groups of Igrovyk and Tempovyk, the results were not reliable (p>0.05). In terms of body length while sitting, the result was (t=2.19; p<0.05) in the Igrovyk and Silovik groups, and in the Igrovyk and Tempovik types (t=3.33; p<0.01), respectively. The indicator of the length of the upper limb in the groups of Igrovyk and Silovyk, Igrovyk and Tempovyk had (t=2.19; p<0.05 respectively t=3.39; p<0.01). The analysis of the length of the lower limb in the groups of Igrovyk and Tempovyk, Silovyk and Tempovyk showed the results (t=2.58; p<0.05 respectively t=3.46; p<0.001). Analyzing the parameters of the brachial muscle circumferences in the Igrovyk and Silovik groups had the result (t=2.71; p<0.05), in the Silovik and Tempovik types (t=4.23; p<0.001), respectively. The difference in chest circumference indicators on exhalation and inhalation in qualified boxers in the Igrovyk and Silovyk groups had weak reliability, which was (t=2.25; p<0.05) and, respectively, (t=2.56; p<0.05 ), in the Silovyk and Tempovyk groups, the reliability was low (t=3.50; p<0.05) and (t=2.16; p<0.05), respectively. In the body mass indicator of qualified boxers, only in the Silovyk and Tempovyk groups the results had an average reliable indicator (t=2.65; p<0.05).
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