health improvement, students of higher education, physical education, health-preserving technologies.Abstract
Introduction. The formation of a healthy personality and promotion of the healthy lifestyle among student youth is a priority task of the modern higher institutes. In recent years we have observed the process of a sharp deterioration of the health because of the chronic fatigue, stress and the exacerbation of chronic diseases. The need to create a healthpreserving environment in higher education institutions is proclaimed in modern educational documents. The purpose is to analyze the specifics of improving the health of student youth as a component of the physical education process in the institutions of higher education. Methods. The system of scientific methods was used: scientific and bibliographic for studying the scientific sources about the interpretation of basic concepts; conceptual and terminological analysis; abstraction and modeling; problem-searching method for studying the improvement of health in modern educational institutions of Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv and other cities; systematization and generalization. Results. In the "National Doctrine for the Development of Physical Culture" and other documents show the need for systematic rehabilitation of youth in higher education institutions and the introduction of health-preserving educational technologies. The rehabilitation of students in higher education institutions should be carried out comprehensively, in particular during classes in classrooms, in remote form, during the organization of educational preventive and health-improving activities. Originality of the research results consists of the comprehensive study of the process of the health improving in well-known Ukrainian universities. Based on the analysis of pedagogical-psychological and medical literature the new definition is given: the health improving of students of higher education in the context of physical education is a system of pedagogical and mental influence with the aim of the improving their physical health and psychoemotional state; a complex of physical and psychological rehabilitation of students in the educational process of higher education institutions; the formation of a healthy lifestyle of higher education students in the process of playing sports, participation in health activities, conducting physiotherapeutic procedures, educational activities, public actions. Conclusions. Scientific and pedagogical workers, curators of rough houses, trainers of sports groups, heads of centers of aesthetic education are involved in the process of improving the health of students of higher education. Visiting swimming pools, participation in sports sections, educational activities and tourist and local history expeditions have a positive effect on the formation of the healthy body. The material and technical base should be constantly improved in accordance with the development of scientific and technological progress.
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