


pupils, students, teachers, lecturers, development, directions, theory, educational process, methods of teaching physics


The article discusses the development of the theory and methods of teaching physics in Ukraine, which is an important aspect in the formation of high-quality specialists in this field. It is analysed that there are unresolved problems that impede the full development of this area. Solving these problems requires comprehensive measures, such as updating the material and technical base, professional development of teachers, creating an incentive system for teachers, active involvement of students in practical research and updating curricula to meet modern requirements and trends in physics. The purpose of the article is to theoretically substantiate and consider the main directions of development of the theory and methods of teaching physics in Ukraine. Among the research methods, we distinguish: historical and theoretical. The historical method is based on the study and selection of factual material on the development of methodological thought in physics in Ukraine. The theoretical method was used to develop the described methodological concept as a result of analysis, generalisation and systematisation of the collected factual material. It has been found that Ukraine, like many countries, is actively working to improve the theory and methods of teaching physics in order to improve the quality of education and training of future specialists. Areas of development include active learning, use of technology, interdisciplinary approach, professional development of teachers, stimulation of interest in science, etc. Each of these areas should be considered in more detail to achieve maximum results. The development and improvement of physics teaching areas, such as active learning, use of technology, interdisciplinary approach, and others, aim to ensure quality education in this field and the formation of competent specialists. This is important for the further development of society and the advancement of technological progress. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the socio-economic conditionality of the research problem and its connection with the needs of higher/secondary schools. The directions of development of the theory and methods of teaching physics in Ukraine are analysed and characterised, and their significance in the scientific and pedagogical content of education is determined. Conclusions are formulated and prospects for further research are outlined, which include intensifying the development of interactive teaching methods, implementing innovative technologies, developing assessment methods, enhancing the qualifications of teaching staff, stimulating scientific research, and promoting international cooperation.


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