higher education, Netherlands, Greece, Slovakia, professional training, future teachers.Abstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of training future teachers in higher education institutions of different countries in order to implement the positive ideas of this experience in the higher education system of Ukraine. Peculiarities of training students abroad at the present stage of higher education development are determined: multilevel model of pedagogical education; high quality of pedagogical training, which meets the best world standards; the education system is decentralized; considerable attention is paid to the study of foreign languages; a systematic approach to the organization of professional development of teachers of general secondary education based on the restructuring and optimization of methods, forms and models of teaching through the integration of elements of practical activities into professional development curricula and the formation of continuing pedagogical education as an organically integrated, optimal and dynamic system; strengthening the independence and responsibility of students for their studies, the possibility of individualization of the curriculum, the growth of academic mobility; multiculturalism and polylingualism; multidisciplinary (acquisition of specialization in two subjects simultaneously); systematic and systematic use of innovative technologies; high level of personal-social-state orientation of the system of monitoring the quality of higher education; free access to statistics and mandatory publication of monitoring results by independent media; a small number of subjects taught (not more than 16 disciplines in one academic year); relocation of the center of professional and pedagogical training to school; growth of pedagogical practice and expansion of places of its passing; increasing the requirements for entrants both in the case of admission to pedagogical specialties and during their employment; increasing the role and importance of various professional organizations (associations, unions, centers of pedagogical skills, schools of professional growth) in the process of professional development and certification of teachers. It is noted that taking into account the selected features of foreign experience in the domestic system of training future teachers will contribute to the effective modernization of the higher education system of Ukraine.
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