


integration, cultural and geographical context, Rivne region, senior preschool children, project, thematic blocks, local history work


Introduction. The Article is devoted to the integration of senior preschool children into the cultural and geographical context of their native land on the example of Rivne region, which is a topical issue due to the importance of forming patriotic values in them. The problem of the study is to determine the optimal methods and strategies of integration that take into account the age characteristics of children and the context of Rivne region. Purpose of the study is to investigate and evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogical approaches to the integration of preschoolers in this context. Methods of research: analysis of scientific literature, observation, survey and analysis of pedagogical practice in preschool education institutions of Rivne region, experimental research. Main results of the study. The project “For Children about Rivne Region” developed and implemented by us has become a significant tool for including children in the cultural and geographical environment of their native land. The material in the project is structured into five thematic blocks. Results. The analysis of the research results showed the effectiveness of integrating senior preschoolers into the cultural and geographical context through the use of local resources and various teaching methods, including excursions, virtual trips, quests, stories with illustrations, ICT technologies, etc. Originality. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the effectiveness of various methods and strategies of integration, focused on the context of Rivne region. Conclusion. It was found that the application of the project “Children about Rivne region” promotes in-depth study of the native land and the formation of patriotic feelings in children. It has been confirmed that the best methods and strategies are those that actively use local resources and take into account the age characteristics of children. In order to successfully integrate senior preschoolers into the cultural and geographical context of their native land, it is advisable to use projects such as “For Children about Rivne Region”. Given this, it is important to support and promote initiatives aimed at developing such projects in preschool education institutions.


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