


primary school, school textbook, illustration of textbooks for primary school, illustrative material of the school textbook, tendencies of illustrating textbooks, national content of illustrations


Introduction. The period of state independence Ukraine (1990–2000) is characterized by intensification of the revival process national textbook and the development of the basics of a new school textbook generation, taking into account the current needs of education, scientific achievements technological progress, as well as the dominant ideology in society. Modernization the content of education led to the updating of the textbook fund for primary schools, and hence a change in approaches to illustrating new educational publications. In the focus was on general theoretical issues related to problem solving school textbook: requirements for compiling educational publications, their structure, design; printing, sanitary and aesthetic quality indicators. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the content of the illustrative material of domestic textbooks, published in the 90s of the 20th century, which were addressed to younger schoolchildren. Methods. Source science, chronological, visual and descriptive methods were used to solve research tasks. Results. It was found that the illustrative material of the analyzed textbooks has a national orientation, a noticeable change in ideology and the orientation of the visual series of books to familiarize students with the culture, traditions, symbols, and everyday life of Ukrainians. The design of most editions was a synthesis of the possibilities of words and images, which is evidenced by the functionality and genre diversity of illustrative material, the use of a system of conventional designations, consonance with trends in the art of book graphics, and national character. The article examines the updating of the content of the illustrative material of textbooks for primary schools in Ukraine, published in the 90s of the 20th century, which took place under the influence of the reform of national schooling, the development of the theory of school textbooks and the art of book graphics. A visual inspection of the illustrative material of a number of publications of the specified period was carried out. Attention is focused on the formation of the national ideological orientation of visual images and design elements. Characteristic features of illustrating textbooks during the period of state independence of Ukraine were determined: multifunctionality and genre diversity of illustrative material; use of a system of symbols, design elements, signs-symbols; highly artistic illustrative design of primers; experimental application of various visual techniques and techniques in the creation of book illustrations, as well as a pronounced national content of the external design of most textbooks addressed to younger schoolchildren. Originality. Studying the experience of illustrating educational literature for primary schools of this period is important in clarifying the achievements and shortcomings of this industries in order to creatively rethink them and use them in building new ones approaches to creating a visual series for textbooks in the future. Conclusion. The relevance of taking positive ideas into account is illustrating educational publications during the 90s of the 20th century, in the process of creating a visual series for domestic textbooks in the future. Further scientific consideration of the researched problem is considered expedient, since it is the textbook illustration that provides the primary impression of the textbook, and the correspondence of its content to the current demands of society contributes to the formation of national identity and the education of patriotic feelings in children.


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