


choral practice, rehearsal, choral singing, schoolchild, vocal and choral skills


The scientific article is devoted to the study of the influence of choral practice on the individual development of a student’s personality. The author considers the importance of choral singing for students in the school environment, the importance and benefits of choral practice in educational institutions. The author analyzes the impact of participation in the choir on various aspects of personal development. The importance of cooperation and interaction of students during collective music-making in the choir is discussed. The positive impact of choral singing on the emotional well-being of students is considered. The importance of studying and performing various musical genres and styles in choral practice to broaden students’ cultural outlook is emphasized. The article explores various methods and approaches to organizing choral lessons with students of different ages and levels of musical training; considers various methods of musical training in choral practice, such as learning notes, developing vocal skills, arranging and interpreting musical works; highlights the positive effects of choir participation on the development of students’ cognitive, emotional, and social skills, as well as their musical abilities; discusses possible challenges that teachers and students face in organizing and participating in choir classes, as well as strategies for overcoming them. Introduction. The article aims to fill the gaps in research on the impact of choral singing at school and to provide teachers, parents, and school administrators with information about the importance of developing students’ musical skills through choral practice. Thus, there is a need for a deeper understanding and research of this problem from the point of view of pedagogical theory and practice. Purpose. The article aims to examine the importance of choral singing for students in the school environment and identify its potential impact on various aspects of their lives and learning; to determine how choral practice can influence various aspects of individual development of students, such as social skills, emotional stability, creativity and academic achievement. The research methodology includes the analysis of music-pedagogical, psychological scientific works, methodological developments to obtain information about existing theories and approaches to developing students’ interest in choral singing; targeted observations of choral lessons with game elements, analysis of school programs and materials for music education using game methods, and conversations to find out their interests, preferences, and motivation for choral singing. Results. Studies have shown that participating in a choir helps to develop communication skills, the ability to cooperate and interact with others; develop cognitive functions such as memory, attention and concentration; creative thinking, a greater tendency to express their feelings and emotions through music; discipline and responsibility; self-confidence and self-esteem. The scientific novelty of the research results is to identify specific links between participation in choral practice and individual development of the student’s personality, namely: 1) in analyzing specific aspects of choral practice, such as rehearsals, performances, interaction with the choir director, etc. and their impact on the psychological, emotional and social development of students: 2) in observing students in order to identify as many possible changes in their development as possible under the influence of choral practice; 3) in understanding the specific mechanisms through which choral practice affects personal development, such as challenges, peer interaction, and the development of musical skills. The conclusions and specific proposals of the author of the study include the following: The influence of choral practice on individual development is confirmed. Participation of schoolchildren in choral practice has a positive effect on their social, emotional, cognitive and creative development. The results of the study can be used to develop more effective school programs and methods of teaching choral singing to schoolchildren. The author can recommend that schools and other educational institutions actively promote choral activities among students by ensuring the availability of choral groups, concerts and other forms of collective music performance; provide recommendations to parents to support their children’s interest in music and singing by involving them in musical events, subscribing to music courses, etc. The author notes the need for further research to understand in more detail the mechanisms of influence of choral practice on personal development, as well as to identify possible options depending on the context and other factors.


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