


life safety, labor protection, technical activity, technology lessons, practical tasks, safety measures


Introduction. The priority in the system of technological education is the development of creative and practical skills of students in the process of manual and mechanical processing of materials. However, along with the growing interest in technology, life safety issues arise in the process of practical classes in technology classes. Purpose. Analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the safety culture of high school students in the process of technical activity in technology lessons. Methods. Analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical and scientific literature, educational programs and normative documentation on the problems of safety culture of high school students in the process of technical activities in technology lessons. Results. By the safety culture of high school students, we understand the behavioral analysis of their educational practical activities in technology classes, which covers compliance with the rules of the internal procedure, the rules of labor protection in the processing of materials, electrical and fire safety, as well as the requirements of civil protection of the population. In the process of project-technical activity, which is the basis of the technological field of education, the analysis of risks and dangers associated with technical activity is quite important, because the use of tools, equipment and equipment can create potentially dangerous situations. Originality. Proposed conditions for the implementation of the safety culture of high school students in the process of technical activities in technology lessons. Conclusions. Systematic training of students in safety rules when working with various materials and tools will help to form a safety culture of high school students and at the same time avoid injuries and accidents. To effectively solve safety problems, all aspects must be taken into account: from electrical safety and fire safety to personal hygiene and occupational health and safety. In the conditions of the legal regime of martial law, the implementation of a safe educational environment imposes additional requirements related to the arrangement of shelters and organizational security measures in accordance with the recommendations of special commissions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. To consider it expedient to implement such measures as practical safety trainings, regular inspection of working conditions and technical condition of equipment.


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