



automated design system, programming and robotics, information technology in education, technology lessons, senior high school preparation, computer-aided design


Introduction. The article analyzes the state and prospects of updating the content of the program of the elective module “Computer Aided Design” in technology, which is the most popular among high school students and teachers. It has been confirmed that students’ skills in digital technologies are developed mainly during the study of the module “Computer Aided Design”. At the same time, it has been shown that these skills are also developed in other elective modules, especially when students use digital technologies to work with computers and related software to process and create information. These skills are important for project-based learning, which is the foundation of the technology industry in secondary education. Purpose. Substantiation of the updated content of teaching computer-aided design systems to 10–11th grade students in the format of the compulsory elective module “Computer Design” in technology lessons. Methods include a literature review, analysis of practices, questionnaires and interviews, experimental research, and analysis of results. Results. Taking into account technological changes in the field of computer-aided design and modeling, it is proposed to supplement the curriculum with the study of 3D modeling, which will form the basis for the implementation of three-dimensional design using such software as AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Fusion 360. The study of the basic positions of the computer-aided design system is substantiated, which will allow high school students to engage in real technical projects, develop practical skills, and deepen their understanding of engineering and technical concepts. The article outlines specific applications and capabilities of CAD in school education: mechanical design, electronics and PCB design, architectural design, production process automation, programming, and robotics. Originality. The update of the curriculum is scientifically substantiated and proposals are made to supplement it with the study of artificial intelligence and the creation of 3D models. Conclusions. Further research should be conducted in the area of accessibility of students’ perception of educational material and minimization of the need for information resources for the study of computer-aided design systems. At the same time, there is a need to introduce an updated curriculum content, taking into account the above proposals.


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