


climate change, climate change education, digital educational tools, student youth


Introduction. Public concerns about climate change and its consequences have recently increased on a global scale. The question is seen as a significant contemporary social and educational issue. Purpose. To highlight the peculiarities of the usage of digital tools with the aim of forming knowledge about climate change among student youth. Methods. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical (methods of data collection and accumulation, description, development of practical recommendations). Results. The study presents the peculiarities of the use of digital tools with the aim of forming knowledge about climate change among student youth. The authors emphasize the importance of using electronic educational courses, video content, computer games, mobile applications and social media platforms in the educational process of higher education institutions. The proposed digital tools can be successfully implemented in formal education or as an element of informal climate education. A list of films from the DOCU/CLUB network accompanied by their instructional objectives is presented. These films contribute to the formation of knowledge about climate change. The electronic educational courses available in the domestic information space are described and are recommended as a tool of informal education for the formation of additional opportunities for the professional development of education seekers. In order to use analytical, emotional and social ways of learning about climate change, it is suggested to use the computer version of the game “Keep Cool”. A list of mobile applications is presented, which helps to implement ecological habits in everyday life and to form an active public ecological position in education seekers. Taking into account that a worldview is formed during education, and the issues of “climate change” are not studied as mandatory components in educational programs, the authors consider non-formal education as a driving tool for improving climate literacy among young people. Originality. For the first time, the peculiarities of the use of digital tools with the aim of forming knowledge about climate change among student youth have been revealed. Conclusion. Digital educational tools, such as e-learning courses, video content, computer games, mobile applications, social media platforms, are easy and accessible to use in order to educate student youth about climate change.


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