


self-esteem, emotional and value attitude towards oneself, self-regulation, adequate self-assessment, reflection, psychological and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the educational process


Introduction. The problem of developing emotional and value self-esteem in future specialists of preschool education remains extremely relevant for several reasons: personality formation in difficult life conditions; the practical absence of research in this direction in domestic psychology and pedagogy; the existence of a pedagogical practice request for diagnostic and technology formation in students of the ability to adequately evaluate themselves, to realize their significance for relatives and close people, to self-determine, to realize their potential, to improve themselves. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the conceptual basis of the study, the definition of the content of the “self-esteem” category, the disclosure of the criteria for assessing the degree of its formation in future teachers, the description of the author’s typology of the development of the phenomenon under study, the justification of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of emotional and value self-esteem in the studied subjects. Methods: analysis and generalization of data from philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sources on the investigated problem; theoretical modeling for the construction of diagnostic research methods; observations, individual conversations. The results. The most significant author’s contribution to the research includes: creation of conceptual foundations and definition of the content and structure of the category “self-attribution”; characteristics of criteria, indicators and components for determining the degree and features of the development of positive self-attitude among student youth; the development of a diagnostic methodology for the study of the peculiarities of the manifestation of selfattachment; qualitative and quantitative processing of empirical data; creation of author’s typology of the studied phenomenon, which included the following types: type with positive self-attitude and adequate self-esteem; type with positive self-attitude and situational self-evaluation; a type with a positive self-image and overestimated selfesteem; a type with a negative self-image and low self-esteem; characteristics of the influence of consciousness and behavior of each type on future professional activity; determination of psychological and pedagogical conditions for increasing the effectiveness of the educational process in higher education, aimed at activating consciousness and healthy activity, which produce the realization of personal potential, self-regulation of actions and behavior, adequate self-esteem, and achievement of life success. This proves the formation of a healthy form of the attitude of the future teacher. Originality. For the first time: the concept of the study of the process of development of the attitude of future specialists of preschool education, based on the subject paradigm, was developed; the content and structure of the leading category are determined; diagnostic procedures aimed at studying the specifics of the development of the attitude of the subjects are characterized; evaluation criteria and indicators of the degree of formation of students’ positive self-attitude are described; an author’s typology of the emotional and value attitude of future teachers, who differed among themselves in the nature of self-evaluation, was created; psychological-pedagogical conditions for optimizing the educational process in higher education institutions are determined, aimed at forming a positive selfattitude, adequate self-esteem and self-respect in the subjects. Conclusions. In the course of studying the phenomenon of self-identification of future preschool education specialists, conceptual principles were developed, which were based on the perception of students as active subjects of their own life activities. The criteria, indicators, and components for determining the degree of development of their attitude itself have been established. The peculiarities of the ability of the subjects to define and formulate their own self-esteem, to rely on it in their behavior and activities were clarified. A typology of self-attitude of student youth was developed, which includes four types: the type with positive self-attitude and adequate self-esteem; type with positive self-attitude and situational self-evaluation; a type with a positive self-image and overestimated self-esteem; type with negative self-image and low self-esteem. According to our data, self-esteem acts as the core of positive self-attitude, determines the type of phenomenon being studied, and significantly affects the content and dynamics of future professional activity. The psychological and pedagogical conditions for optimizing the educational process in higher education institutions are substantiated, which include: 1. Promoting the development of future teachers’ confidence in themselves and their abilities through the exercise of independence, self-confidence, perseverance, and a sense of self-worth. 2. Training of student youth in the ability to produce adequate self-assessment by using mutual assessment, modeling situations that require arguments for one’s rightness, development of reflection. 3. Maintaining the balance of manifestations of inner and outer life, activation of self-knowledge; approximation of the content of education to the realities of today. 4. With the help of pedagogical assessment, reduce emotional and value self-attitude to the highest human virtues; using the latest educational technologies for this purpose.


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