


future teachers of musical art, communication, communication, competences, principles, pedagogical activity


Introduction. The main problem of the research on artistic-creative communication as a key component in the formation of professional competencies of future music art teachers is the necessity of a comprehensive approach, finding objective research methods, and taking into account the diversity of this phenomenon. Purpose. The main goal of the research is to clarify the impact of artistic-creative communication on the formation of professional competencies of future music art teachers in order to determine its role and significance in the educational process. Methods: analysis of pedagogical practice and observation of the interaction between future music teachers and their students during creative sessions; surveys and interviews with future music teachers regarding their perception of the role of artistic-creative communication in shaping professional skills; analysis of educational programs and methodological materials aimed at developing artistic-creative communication among future music teachers;utilization of observation methods and analysis of interaction results between teachers and students during music lessons. Results. It has been found that artistic and creative communication plays a crucial role in shaping the professional competencies of future music teachers. In particular, the use of artistic and creative communication methods has been shown to contribute to the development of creativity, emotional expression, creative self-expression, and mutual understanding between the teacher and the student. Additionally, this approach contributes to the creation of a positive psychological climate in the learning environment, increases students’ interest in the learning process, and promotes their creative development. Originality. The scientific novelty lies in the development and utilization of new teaching approaches based on artistic and creative communication as the main factor in shaping the professional competencies of future music teachers. Conclusion: prioritize the development of artistic and creative communication skills in the training and education of future music teachers; implement specific teaching approaches that emphasize the use of artistic and creative communication as a fundamental tool for developing students’ professional competencies; provide opportunities for future music teachers to engage in practical and hands-on experiences that foster artistic and creative communication skills; offer professional development and training opportunities for current music teachers to enhance their abilities in utilizing artistic and creative communication in their teaching practices; encourage further research and collaboration within the field to continue exploring the impact of artistic and creative communication on the development of professional competencies in music education.


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