


fiction, literary work, patriotic upbringing, civic position, patriotic beliefs


Introduction. Taking into account the state of modern society in which the Ukrainian state functions and the development of the cultural space against the background of Russian aggression, there is a need to expand and improve the concept of national-patriotic education of youth. This research can take place on the literary plane determined by the work of modern Ukrainian writers, namely A. Chech. Purpose. Elementary-theoretical analysis of A. Chech’s prose works on the subject of elements of nationalpatriotic education of youth. Methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization and systematization. Results. A. Chech’s prose works and their versatility are of great importance in literary education and encourage young people to build the Ukrainian state and a clear civic position. National symbols in artistic texts, the transfer of color can influence a wide age group. When choosing materials for educational purposes, it is worth considering new editions and their relevance. Propagation of the culture of reading and expansion of readers’ worldview are reflected in their views, perception and civic position. The pedagogical influence of the book should be based on the principle of systematicity and should be supplemented by the cultural needs of young people. The specificity of fiction and its educational value in the prose of A. Chech has characteristic features. Thus, the key fundamental concepts are the state, its integrity and independence. Originality. The article focuses on the search for plot lines in the works of A. Chech, which describe moral and ethical and universal human qualities, the psychology of the relationship between military personnel and the civilian population. This publication confirms the fact that modern fiction and its representatives exert a significant influence on young people through their activities cultural plane. Conclusion. Having studied a number of works by A. Chech, a number of priority plot lines are noticeable, which require further consideration in the literary discourse of today. Such a trend is necessary and relevant and it gives the potential educational purpose. Properly organized literary education contributes to the emergence in society of the tendency to cultural and spiritual development in the conditions of armed aggression. Among the many literary figures, whose works are popular among young people A. Chech has his unique place. His prose is a collection of a large number of genre features that intersect with the concept of national education. Thus, modern fiction is an effective instrument of national education. We see the prospects of further scientific research in the development of a program of patriotic education of student youth using the literary heritage of A. Chech, the development of plans-summaries for the lesson of Ukrainian literature, educational activities, etc.


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