


future teachers of vocational training and technology, social networks, artificial intelligence, students, communication


Introduction. The modern world is characterized by the rapid development of technologies and rapid changes in social communications. Social networks have become an important part of our daily lives, but their use can also have significant potential in the field of education. In particular, in the process of professional training of future teachers of labor education and technology, social networks can play a key role in improving the quality of education and joint practice. The purpose of the work is to study the relevance of the use of social networks and artificial intelligence in the process of professional training of future teachers of labor education and technology. Methods. The following methods were used for the research: study of scientific-pedagogical and methodical literature on the research topic; analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. Results. It has been established that one of the advantages of using social networks in the learning process is the possibility of creating virtual communities for sharing experience and knowledge. Prospective teachers can join specialized groups or communities on social networks, where they can share resources, practical tips and ideas for implementing new methods and technologies in the educational process. This promotes active interaction between students and teachers, expanding their professional circle and enriching their own experience. In addition, social networks can serve as a platform for joint solving of educational tasks and professional development. Participants in the educational process can create joint projects, discuss practical aspects of learning and provide each other with feedback and support. For example, in virtual communities there can be discussion of specific techniques of the labor training lesson (technology), exchange of experience regarding the use of various tools and materials, as well as joint development of innovative approaches to learning. Originality. The article reveals the importance of social networks and artificial intelligence in the educational process of higher education institutions, in particular, in the professional training of future teachers of labor education and technology. The authors analyze modern approaches to learning and emphasize the need to integrate innovative technologies into the educational process. In particular, the paper examines the role of social networks in increasing the effectiveness of communication between students and teachers, as well as the possibility of using artificial intelligence to individualize the educational process and analyze the success of students. The work also highlights the essence of learning through social networks, characterizes the types of educational activities “teacher-student” and “student-teacher”, reveals the functions of social networks in the professional training of future teachers of labor education and technology. In addition, it was investigated that social networks can serve as a platform for joint solving of educational tasks and professional development. Conclusion. A significant number of studies confirm the potential of social networks in the field of education, in particular in the process of professional training of future teachers. The use of social networks can increase the effectiveness of learning, promote interaction between participants in the educational process, and promote professional development. Therefore, it is important to actively introduce these innovative approaches into the educational process and develop relevant skills among future teachers of labor education and technology.


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