


remote learning, education at a distance, students of higher education, information and communication and psychological and pedagogical technologies, digital tools


Introduction. The scientific article is devoted to the study of an actual problem of the features of the use of education at a distance in higher education. The research proved that the catalyst for the development of this innovative form of higher education has been the coronavirus pandemic and Ukraine’s large-scale war with the Russian occupiers, when the educational process moved from classrooms to the home sphere. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the features, advantages and disadvantages of education at a distance in higher education institutions. Methods. The article is based on the analysis of the results of pedagogical research, surveys, and observations of the organization of the educational process of higher education institutions in Ukraine and the world. Results. In the article, education at a distance is defined as a set of educational services with the help of specialized educational environments, which are based on tools for exchanging the necessary information at a distance, and remote learning as the application of information-communication and psychological-pedagogical technologies that allow effective implementation at a distance and individualization of the educational process of higher education schools It has been proven that, education at a distance and remote learning as related processes are rapidly developing and occupying their socially significant place in the educational sphere. It has been determined that education at a distance is an alternative to the traditional form of learning in times of crisis and the expediency of its application in times of covid and war has been proven. Originality. A thorough analysis of modern psychological and pedagogical literature made it possible to single out the features of education at a distance in higher education (innovation, mobility, continuity of learning, flexibility, economic efficiency, technology) and the main advantages of remote learning in higher education institutions, namely: the opportunity to save time, the absence of classroom problems fund; destruction of stereotypes regarding classroom learning; the opportunity to study in any place convenient for the student; flexible study schedule; the possibility of combining work and study at the same time; provision of high-quality education with minimal financial and energy costs; individualization and differentiation of training in higher education institutions taking into account the needs of higher education seekers; the ability to use various forms and learning technologies to learn certain material. Conclusion. Disadvantages of remote learning in higher education institutions include: the dependence of the educational process on gadgets and the availability of the Internet; psychological unpreparedness of teachers and students for remote learning; low level of knowledge of informational technologies by teachers and students; the impossibility of effective learning in the absence of developed individual and psychological qualities; difficulties in the development and certification of educational and methodical materials for education at a distance; the complexity of organizing joint activities for communication and exchange of experience. Taking these conclusions into account in the educational process of higher education institutions will contribute to the improvement of remote learning in higher education.


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