



inclusive competence, special education, educational component, future specialists of general secondary education institutions, educational program


Introduction. The article reveals the experience of implementing educational components that form the inclusive competence of future specialists of general secondary education institutions. It is noted that the formation of inclusive competence of future teachers of geography, informatics, mathematics, natural sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, physical culture, teachers of professional pre-university education is relevant at the stage of implementation of inclusive education as a successful factor in managing the educational process of general secondary education institutions education of integrated educational courses in the field of natural sciences as an integral condition for the functioning of the modern system of general secondary education. Purpose: consists in revealing the experience of implementing educational components that form the inclusive competence of future specialists of general secondary education institutions in the process of their professional readiness for practical work in conditions of inclusion. Methods: general scientific and psychological-pedagogical methods: theoretical-informational, practical-active, search-creative, methods of organizing independent work, monitoring and evaluation, as well as non-traditional teaching methods. In particular: verbal (conversation, story, explanation, dispute); visual (demonstration, illustration); practical (exercise, practical work); induction, deduction; translation; explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, problem statement, partially research, research; methods of mastering knowledge, formation of abilities and skills, application of acquired knowledge, abilities and skills; interactive methods, etc. Originality: on the basis of a theoretical and practical study of the current state of inclusive education in Ukraine, to determine and substantiate and reveal the experience of implementing educational components that form the inclusive competence of future specialists of general secondary education institutions. Results. In the course of the study, it was found that the inclusive competence of future specialists of general secondary education institutions is an integral professional and personal characteristic, which includes not only theoretical and practical readiness for the effective performance of professional functions, but also such subjective personality qualities as activity, independence, responsibility, communicativeness, emotional flexibility. Conclusion. According to the results of the analysis of the results of the study, it was established that the formation of inclusive competence of future specialists of general secondary education institutions involves the introduction of relevant educational components into the content of educational programs and/or the integration of individual content modules into existing OCS. In our opinion, this will contribute to the formation of professional competence of future specialists of secondary education, taking into account the inclusive component, and will ensure proper professional training for work in conditions of inclusion.


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