


unfavorable conditions of socialization, victimized teenagers, victim behavior, interactive methods and techniques of theatricalization


Introduction. The article substantiates the essence of the concept of “prevention of adolescent victim behavior”, by which we mean specially organized professional pedagogical activity to identify adolescents who, due to their personal characteristics and victimogenic influence of the family, may turn out to be the most likely victims of adverse socialization conditions, and on this basis the provision of preventive helping a teenager by correcting his victim traits, helping to solve his individual problems, related to communication, successful advancement in education, self-determination in life, as well as the creation of a safe environment necessary for the development of a teenager, the disclosure and realization of his inner strengths, the formation of the ability for independent activity. The purpose of the article is to outline the possibilities of solving pedagogical and educational tasks with the aim of providing psychosocial assistance to the victim personality based on the theoretical analysis of research into the prevention of adolescent victim behavior by means of interactive methods and technologies. Methods. To achieve the set goal, a set of methods was applied: theoretical (conceptual and comparative analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological and reference and encyclopedic literature, regulatory and legal documentation on the topic); empirical (content analysis, questionnaires, pedagogical observation, study and generalization of independent characteristics and pedagogical experience, surveys, testing, diagnostics). Results. Thus, taking into account the above comments, as well as the fact that among the areas of work with victimized adolescents, the study of their behavior and individual psychological properties, correction and prevention of victimization, as well as ensuring conditions for the equal implementation of their development tasks by adolescents, were singled out, we drew attention to such a form of work as interactive theater. So, socio-pedagogical interactive theater (SPIT), by which we understand a form of socio-pedagogical preventive and corrective work with victimized adolescents, which allows, using psychotherapeutic mechanisms of various interactive methods and theatricalization techniques, to pay attention to the problems of the victimized adolescent, to identify and demonstrate ways to solve these problems in the most constructive ways, as well as to promote his self-development. Originality. The study of scientific intelligence on the investigated problem also made it possible to outline the basic logic of the organization of this new form of preventive work. First of all, since actual problems, in particular those of adolescence, are staged in the interactive theater, they must first of all be identified. For this purpose, you can use confidential communication with children and young people, surveys, questionnaires, which will allow you to specify the subject of performances in the theater. The second important point is the flow of the performance itself. This is due to the fact that the scenes that are the basis of the performance are acted out by “actors” at least twice. For example, at first, the audience watches how the events unfold, and during the re-show, any of the “spectators” can stop the progress of the play and offer their option to get out of the situation. In addition, any “spectator” can get involved in the development of the action also during the stage action, stopping it. Then he takes the place of one of the actors in order to change the character’s behavior and resolve the conflict according to his understanding. Thus, not only the “actors” but also the “spectators” take part in the resolution of the conflict plot played out on the stage. Conclusion. Thus, the use of socio-pedagogical interactive theater as a set of interactive methods and techniques based on dramatization will contribute to the successful formation of adaptive behavior of victimized adolescents. The effectiveness, productivity and interest of a well-founded form of preventive work is determined by the reliance on the main psychological neoplasms of adolescents: hyperactivity, the desire for self-assertion and self-disclosure, the emancipation reaction, grouping with peers, the desire for mental and motor activity, learning new things, etc.


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