



Baltic countries, educational space, higher education, Ukraine, university


Introduction. In the modern world, higher education is not only a key factor in the successful development of society, but also a powerful catalyst for innovation, scientific innovation and cultural enrichment. Universities, as centers of academic and research potential, play an extremely important role in the formation and development of the country’s intellectual capital. At the same time, due to the diverse socio-cultural and economic conditions of each country, the interpretation of the essence and role of the university may reflect unique contextual features and differences. Purpose. The purpose of the article is comparative analysis of understanding and interpretation of the notion of “university” in the Ukrainian and Baltic educational space based on legislative, academic and scientific sources. The article aims to identify common features and differences in the perception of the role and tasks of universities in higher education, scientific activity and social development, as well as to emphasize the features of each of the countries under consideration in the context of this issue. Methods: the analysis of scientific literature, method of system analysis, synthesis, comparative analysis. Results. The article analyzes the definition of the notion of “university” in the context of Ukrainian legislation and expert conclusions in comparison with its understanding in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Ukraine considers universities as key educational and research centers providing a wide range of services, including teaching, research and innovative educational activities. Particular emphasis is placed on their role in developing new knowledge and technologies, as well as in training qualified specialists for various industries. In Lithuania and Latvia, universities play an important role in shaping the intellectual and cultural elite. They not only provide higher education at different levels, but also are centers of research and intellectual exchange. Particular attention is paid to the development of critical thinking, ethical responsibility and personal development of each student. In Estonia, universities act as key players in the creation and dissemination of knowledge in modern society. They are actively involved in the development of the knowledge economy, contributing to the innovative development and support of entrepreneurship. In addition, Estonian universities focus on international cooperation, promoting the exchange of students and teachers, as well as joint projects with international partners. Originality. The article’s originality lies in its comparative analysis of the notion of “university” across Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. It succinctly explores the diverse roles of universities in research, innovation, cultural development, and international cooperation within each country. Conclusion. The analysis highlights key differences in how Ukraine and the Baltic countries view universities. While all emphasize their importance in education, research, and culture, Ukraine focuses on innovation, Lithuania – on cultural development, Latvia – on critical thinking, and Estonia – on knowledge economy and international cooperation. These differences reflect unique strategies tailored to each country’s needs and international trends.


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