consulting, consulting activity, consulting services, design, higher education, education managersAbstract
Abstract. The relevance of the research is due to the coverage of the problem of European integration practice of consulting activities in higher education institutions. The introduction to the article reveals that the problem of development of the higher education system, provision of quality educational services, and promotion of competitiveness of national higher education institutions is a priority at the stage of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the European integration practice of consulting activities in European and domestic higher education institutions. The article uses the following research methods: comparative and systemic analysis, content analysis, problem-predictive method to substantiate the European integration practice of consulting activities in higher education institutions of Ukraine and the specifics of consulting activities in higher education institutions of European countries. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the carried out studies and modern European sources, the European integration policy of consulting practice for higher education institutions is characterised. The article examines innovative legislative and institutional acts in the higher education system, regulatory documents and official websites of educational institutions, and summarises approaches to consulting activities. The results of the study show that consulting activities are carried out in research institutions of higher education and scientific institutions where there is financial support from central government agencies, in accordance with the conceptual state targeted development programmes. It is determined that the undoubted trend of consulting activity is its uniqueness, which is determined by the design of this process, correlates with the mission and vision of the higher education institution. It is found that among the offers in the educational market of consulting services that correlate professional support for pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical staff, university managers, as well as stakeholders, there are consulting centres (departments, services, laboratories, hubs, etc.) that support the processes of administration and management in higher education institutions. The author examines the official websites of educational institutions and finds that consulting activities are mostly aimed at supporting and improving the professional level of the subjects of the educational process. The findings of the study suggest that not all higher education institutions carry out consulting activities, including the absence of consulting centres, virtual communities and platforms for information and feedback, research laboratories, etc. Based on the results of the analysis of European and domestic higher education institutions, the author identifies key problematic issues that hinder the development of consulting activities in them.
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