


synergy, nonlinearity, business education, social anomie


Introduction. The current state of the development of Ukrainian society involves fundamental changes in all the spheres, including education. The axiological characteristics of Ukrainian society have been transformed, defining value priorities in the form of freedom of action and thinking. This freedom of action and thinking has appeared as a result of personal resolution of the dichotomy of rights and responsibilities, justice and injustice, good and evil, morality and immorality. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify synergistic principles of formation and development of business education in Ukraine during the period of independence. Methods. During the research process the methods of source scientific analysis, systematization and modelling were used. Results. The article presents the methodological foundations of the problem of formation and development of business education in Ukraine during the period of independence. It is proved that the main synergistic characteristic of the formation and development of business education in Ukraine is its nonlinearity. The signs of nonlinearity of formation and development of business education in Ukraine (fluctuation, threshold sensitivity, discreteness and emergence) are defined. Synergetics, which we rely on as a methodological basis for the study of the formation and development of business education in Ukraine during the period of independence, also has a downside associated with the internal state and status of the society where the business education model is developing, i.e. the concept of social anomie. The concept of anomie in the system of philosophical and sociological knowledge is most often associated with the concept of value, and in this case does not reflect any pedagogical context of the problem under studying. Thus, social anomie is a state of social development characterized by the following: the disintegration of the axiological structure of society; the absence of clearly defined rules and norms of behavior; chaos in the system of social communications. Business, as an integral part of democratic models of social organization, correlates with the concepts of freedom, private property, rights and responsibilities, personal business potential, and ultimately the dichotomy of good and evil, justice and injustice, morality and immorality inherent in a certain society. Anomie as a characteristic of the balance or imbalance of the leading social and value processes helps to justify business education models aimed at developing the values of education, professionalism, social justice, honesty, integrity, etc. Originality. The originality of the research is that the article substantiates the essence of the main models of anomie in the context of business education development (conformism, innovation, ritualism, rebellion) based on the analysis of the theory of social anomie. Conclusion. The research has helped to establish the role and importance of the theory of synergy and the theory of social anomie in the process of studying the business education system in Ukraine over the past decades.


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