


genre of folk painting, icon on the glass, home iconostasis, temple icon, story icon on the glass


Abstract. Familiarity with Ukrainian folk art of the past and present periods is important in the cultural development of student youth, which fosters love, enriches the worldview, and gives an understanding of its value for the formation of an individual, a citizen of Ukraine. Introduction. Icon on glass, a genre of folk painting at the end of the 19th century, acquired especially widespread in Ukraine, in particular in the Hutsul region, later Pokutti, Bukovyna, Podillia. Icons on glass were popular, were an object of worship and an integral part of peoples’ life, their aesthetic and spiritual needs. They were, as a rule, intended for rural houses or roadside chapels. In a peasant’s house, icons on glass were placed in a prominent place and served as a home iconostasis. Folk painting on glass is a type of folk painting that has been in the mountainous and lowland regions of Western Ukraine since the end of the 18th century. The picturesque technique of painting on glass has a long tradition in both professional and folk art, dating back to the times of Byzantium and Rome. In the 18th century, in Bavaria, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, the fashion for decorating the interiors of bourgeois houses with compositions drawn on glass, mostly on secular themes, spread, and, by the way, this genre is still prevalent in Slovakia. In particular, the theme of Yanoshyk, a national hero, like Oleksa Dovbush in Ukraine, is popular. The purpose of the article is to clarify the conditions of the origin and development of the Ukrainian glass icon as a genre of folk painting, an overview of the subjects of the image and technical techniques of the ancient technology. The Carpathian region has long been famous for its rich artistic traditions, but researchers did not immediately notice the uniqueness of the home iconostasis on glass. First, thea attention Hutsul ceramics, woodcarving, silk weaving, folk embroidery, weaving, pysankar and other folk crafts were attracted. As you know, the technique of drawing on glass was known in ancient Rome and Byzantium and has a long tradition. In Central Europe, the development of painting on glass occurred in the 18th century, in particular, active centers operated in Romania, Slovakia, and Poland. Methods. The article examines the genre of folk painting – icon on the glass, traces its historical path and its revival in the work of modern artists. Ukrainian folk painting is analyzed; the historical stages of the formation of folk icons on glass were investigated; characteristic features of a work of folk art are revealed. Artistic features and main motifs of folk icons on glass are noted. Their differences from temple icons, compositional schemes, their coloristic solution are analyzed. Results. Folk masters and professional artists of today are reviving and developing the traditions of Ukrainian folk art. Research in this direction is possible to continue, to search for the characteristic features of folk icons on the glass of different regions of Ukrainian, specifying in more detail one or several of its types. Today, and for many centuries, a constant symbol of the spiritual and religious outlook of Ukrainians is a household icon, a sign of the presence of the Savior in the home, a talisman to which we turn with prayer and hope. Recently, a dynamic process of national self-affirmation is taking place in Ukraine, which is based on the works of modern artists, made on the basis of traditional art. These artifacts are interpreted as identification codes that help ethnic and partly aesthetic separation from the influences of neighboring cultures. They occupy a special place the artistic environment of L’viv, in art schools, at master classes their writing technique is studied, professional artists use it. Originality. When familiarizing with folk art, in particular with folk icons on the glass, knowledge about the cultural and artistic heritage of Ukraine is expanded, love for folk art, one’s own artistic vision, enrichment of the emotional and aesthetic worldview is cultivated. In the middle of the second half of the 19th century in Pokutt and Hutsul region, and in the first third of the 20th century in Bukovina, a folk icon developed in the technique of “painting on glass”. Saints from the Bible were painted on glass in popular home icons: Jesus Christ, Mary the Mother of God, Saint Nicholas, apostles Peter and Paul. In the iconography of folk painting on glass the leading place was given to female characters, namely: Mary with baby, Jesus, Paraskovia, Varvara, Kateryna, the images of Mykola and Yuri the Snake Wrangler were also extremely popular. Conclusion. The credit for the revival of painting on glass belongs to Ya. Muzytsa and M. Selska. Many icons on glass ended up in so-called special funds, the fate of most of them is unknown, many were destroyed. There are about 500 in museum collections and private collections on Ukraine traditional icons on glass (in museums of Romania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland thousand gatherings).


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