higher education institution, monitoring, internal control, internal audit, rating, test control.Abstract
The research problem. The experience of implementing monitoring in the activities of higher education institutions suggests that it is a necessary element of ensuring the quality of education in today's conditions, so this topic is extremely important and needs to be researched. The aim of the article is to analyze the monitoring of the quality of higher education as a priority task of ensuring effective education in Ukraine. Methods used during the research are the search on the available methodical and scientific literature with the analysis of the found material, systematization and concretization. The main results of the study. The article examines the concept of monitoring, its role in the educational process and the features that characterize it. Monitoring is one of the most important means of changing the information space, as it increases the efficiency, objectivity and accessibility of information. Therefore, the purpose of monitoring is to promptly identify all changes taking place in the field of education. The concept and essence of the quality of education are analyzed, its main components are indicated. The functions of educational monitoring at the university level are listed. The regularities, on the basis of which the quality management of the educational process in the higher educational institution is managed, are indicated. The tasks of internal control of state institutions of higher education are also outlined and the role of internal control in the system of management of higher educational institution is analyzed. Analyzing the place of internal control in the management system of the higher educational institution of the public sector, it can be noted that it is responsible for conservation of material resources and efficiency of their use; adequacy and effectiveness of management decisions; compliance with current legislation, prevention and detection of violations; sufficiency, accuracy and relevance of information created and transmitted for management decisions; and preservation of confidential information. The tasks of the State Service for Education Quality are listed. The directions of improving the quality of education in Ukraine are studied. In order to improve the quality of higher education in Ukraine, the following areas are outlined: strengthening the links of educational institutions with industry and business; improving the tender ratio and security; use of the latest technologies and innovations; defining conditions for exchanges of students and teachers within the EU, etc. The quality of higher education depends on a clear, balanced state management of the education sector and effective management of the higher education institution, its clear and coordinated work in accordance with state standards and requirements for the content of educational services. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the possibility of outlining new ways to assess the quality of higher education. Conclusions and suggestions. In order to improve the work on increasing the quality of education, the following measures should be taken: to develop recommendations for the implementation of national standards and recommendations for ensuring the quality of higher education in the European area; to increase the international level of Ukraine's participation in the external quality assurance system of education; to increase the level of student participation in the national quality assurance system; to introduce criteria for determining the ongoing monitoring of the quality of higher education, taking into account world, European and national experience, etc.
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