


climate change, climate education, sustainable development, formal education, non-formal education, NGOs, Erasmus program


Introduction. Climate change is recognized as a social, economic and environmental determinant of sustainable development. Given the importance of climate change education at the global level, it is important to analyze how education systems are responding to the need to raise awareness of climate change at the national level and what approaches are being used to integrate this knowledge into formal and non-formal education. Purpose – to describe the challenges and achievements of climate education and highlight positive trends in its application in the Ukrainian educational space. Methods. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical (methods of data collection and accumulation, description, development of practical recommendations). Results. Climate education in the Ukrainian educational space is characterized by a number of positive trends. Most often, climate change issues are introduced through non-formal education, which is implemented in the activities of NGOs (creation of climate education centers, publishing, creation and promotion of digital educational tools, competitions and events, active participation in the activities of NGOs). Many educational institutions are actively working to integrate climate literacy into Ukrainian education. One of the areas of such activity is participation in Erasmus+ projects, which promotes the implementation of European standards in education and science, as well as promotes the ideas of climate education and sustainable development. The inclusion of climate education elements in the content of primary school subjects is presented in the works of scientists and implemented in pedagogical practice. However, the integration of climate knowledge into the content of educational programs for training future teachers requires further study. Originality. For the first time, the challenges and achievements of the organization of climate education are analyzed and positive trends in its application in the Ukrainian educational space are highlighted Conclusion. Climate education in Ukraine shows a number of positive trends. Most often, climate change topics are integrated through non-formal education, which is actively supported by NGOs. This includes the establishment of climate education centres, publishing, development and promotion of digital educational tools, competitions and events, and active participation in the activities of public initiatives.


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