


education, applicants, civic competence, citizen, museum pedagogy, educational museum practice, professional development, museum


Introduction. The article identifies and reveals key aspects of the formation of a teacher’s civic competence for the New Ukrainian School. The authors outline the essence of civic competence and the methodology for its formation. The publication uses examples to reveal the formation of civic competence of future teachers of history and civic education of the Taras Shevchenko Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy in the practical plane during their training in the Kremenets Museum of Local Lore. An important aspect of such educational activity is the creation of conditions for future teachers that allow them to study local history and cultural heritage in depth; this approach stimulates the development of students’ skills of critical thinking, analysis of historical sources and interpretation of past events in order to form their own position. Thanks to the use of museum exhibits and artifacts, students have the opportunity to delve into real historical contexts, which contributes to the awareness of the importance of civic activity and responsibility in society. The purpose. The purpose of the study is to clarify the essence and components of civic competence and its formation in future teachers of history and civic education in the process of professional training using the example of educational museum practice. Methods. To solve the research problems, a complex of general scientific and specialized methods (synthesis, analysis, etc.) was used. Results. The article analyzes the educational level of educational practice in the museum, which provides students with the opportunity to use the acquired knowledge in practice, through the organization of excursions, interactive lectures and thematic classes for young people. Such tasks help students develop communication skills, adapt educational material to different age groups and stimulate them to actively interact with the community. In addition, working with museum materials makes it possible to realize the importance of preserving national memory and cultural heritage as integral components of civic competence. Originality. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of examples of the formation of civic competence in students during museum practice. Conclusions. Thus, museum teaching practice is an important stage in the preparation of future history teachers, as it allows them to form and develop not only knowledge, but also practical competencies necessary for the effective upbringing of a civic-minded generation. Through participation in museum events, researching exhibits, and studying the legal aspects of museum activities, future teachers learn key principles of civic awareness, which helps them prepare to educate a generation of responsible citizens.


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