


competency, competency, logistics, logistic competence, methodological approaches, specialist in physical culture and sport, coach-teacher in sports.


Introduction. Every enterprise (organization) needs strong, professional training, which includes logistical competence, to improve service and meet customer needs. The application of a logistical approach in the management of physical culture and sports contributes to the rationalization of the complex of physical culture and sports services, sports and entertainment events, education and training prosses, as well as information and consulting, educational and other services of physical culture and sports. Therefore, the development of theoretical and methodological aspects and the disclosure of the specifics of the formation of logistical competence in the process of professional training of physical culture and sports is relevant today. Purpose: to analyze the methodological approaches to the methodological approaches to the formations of logistics competence in future professionals in physical culture and sports. Methods: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodological literature and information sourcesof theInternet; study and systematization of the educational-professional program “Physical Culture and Sports” of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the 017 “Physical Culture”. Results. The article reveals the meaning of the concept of “logistical competence”. The main logistical competencies of future specialists in physical culture and sports are described. The importance of the logistic approach in the field of physical culture and sports is substantiated. Methodological approaches to the formation of logistics competence future specialists in physical culture and sports are analyzed. On the basis of the system approach the levels of models of formation of logistic competence are defined. The provisions of personality-oriented and activity approaches are described. The importance of the competence approach in the training of future coachesteachers in sports is substantiated. The provisions of task, contextual and technological approaches are described. The content of the concept of “pedagogical technologies” is analyzed and their features are determined. The system of education technologies is considered and their use in the Humanities University is substantiated. Originality: the content of the concept of logistics competence, which reflects the specifics of the future profession in the field of physical culture and sports is clarified; methodological approaches to the formation of logistical competence of future specialists in physical culture and sports are analyzed and substantiated; pedagogical conditions and technologies of effective formation of logistic competence at future specialists in physical culture and sports are allocated. Conclusion. The analysis of modern methodological approaches to solving the problems of formation of logistics competence in future specialists in physical culture and sports allowed to determine that: given the systematic approach, they are considered as an element of professional competence with its structure and levels; taking into account the activity and contextual approach – as a theoretical and practical readiness for professional and pedagogical (logistics and organizational and managerial activities); taking into account the competence approach – as an integral characteristic of personality, which determines the readiness of future specialists in physical culture and sports to solve in practice professional and pedagogical activities organizational and managerial problems and logistics tasks based on knowledge, skills, experience, taking into account professional and personal qualities; taking into account the technological approach – as a guaranteed result of a specific model of organization of the education process, aimed at their formation; taking into account the personality-oriented – as a set of personal characteristics of future specialists in physical culture and sports, necessary for the implementation of organizational and managerial influence. Further research on this topic will be the development and justification of a model for the formation of logistical competence in future specialists in physical culture and sports, which will be based on specially created by teachers organizational and pedagogical conditions, traditional and nontraditional teaching methods, methods of independent learning and creative activities.


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