


еducational space, competence approach, environmental competence, ‘Zero waste’ philosophy, sustainable development.


Introduction. The article reveals the relevance and practical significance of forming environmental competence in the conditions of implementing the concept of sustainable development. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the current stage of developing the interaction between society and nature and changes in the Ukrainian educational environment require the definition of new strategic and tactical guidelines in forming future specialists-ecologists’ competence. Purpose. To reveal the peculiarities of using the philosophy of ‘Zero waste’ in the development of future ecologists’ environmental competence in the conditions of implementing the concept of sustainable development of the country and to develop recommendations for its implementation in the modern educational space. Methods. Theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization), empirical (methods of data collection and accumulation, description, development of practical recommendations). Results. Experience of successful practical use of waste-free technologies on the basis of ‘Zero Waste’ philosophy in the organization of the educational process through the activities of the environmental education centre ‘ECOHUB KREMENETS’ has been presented; optional educational components ‘Environmental lifestyle’, ‘Sustainable development strategy’, ‘Environmental literacy’, ‘Education for sustainable development’ have been introduced into the content of the curriculum; use of interactive forms of work based on subject-subject interaction and focused on practical application. Use of personally relevant and up-to-date information in combination with active teaching methods contributes to the implementation of ZW philosophy. Experience of applying the complex of interactive didactic means has been presented: educational tasks and problems, ecological board games, educational projects, videos and documentary ecological films and modelling of plot-role games. Originality. For the first time, the experience of implementing ‘Zero Waste’ philosophy in the educational activities of higher education institutions has been analyzed. Conclusion. The formation of environmental competence, in particular future specialists-ecologists’, is associated not only with the system of knowledge that students receive during training, but also with the organization of educational space in educational institutions, which should meet the principles of responsible consumption and promote the implementation of environmental style of behaviour. As the prospects for development of the problem there have been determined the need to study and promote the positive experience of domestic and international higher education and research institutions in order to improve the future professionals’ environmental competence in the conditions of implementing the concept of sustainable development.


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