graphic competence; pedagogical conditions; teacher of labor training; digital technologies.Abstract
Introduction. Effective implementation of the process of formation of graphic competence of future teachers of labor education by means of digital technologies is possible only under the condition of special organization of the educational process in pedagogical institutions of higher education. The effectiveness of professionalgraphic training of students depends not only on its content and didactic tools (forms, methods and teaching aids), but also a set of measures (pedagogical conditions) aimed at providing the most favorable educational environment. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify, investigate and theoretically substantiate the basic pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of graphic competence of future teachers of labor training by means of digital technologies. Methods. Achieving the goal of the study was carried out using the following methods of scientific knowledge: analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the problems of graphic training of students in higher education; generalization of the results of dissertation research; study and systematization of domestic and foreign experience of teaching professional-graphic disciplines of future teachers of labor education. Results. It is established that the effectiveness of the process of forming graphic competence of students with the use of digital technologies is determined by compliance with a set of such pedagogical conditions: 1) readiness of teachers and students for the systematic use of digital technologies in the educational process; 2) stimulating the motivation of teachers and students to use digital technologies; 3) rational combination of traditional forms, methods and means of teaching professional-graphic disciplines with didactic possibilities of digital technologies; 4) diversification and differentiation of educational tasks of a graphic nature through the use of didactic opportunities of digital technologies. Originality. For the first time the basic pedagogical conditions of effective formation of graphic competence of future teachers of labor training by means of digital technologies in pedagogical establishments of higher education are revealed, researched and theoretically substantiated. Conclusion. It can be argued, that the effective implementation of the process of forming graphic competence of future teachers of labor education with the use of digital technologies is possible only if a set of reasonable pedagogical conditions that best reflect the features of professional-graphic training of students in pedagogical institutions of higher education. Separate pedagogical conditions can not fully ensure the effectiveness of the process of formation of graphic competence of students, so it is necessary to combine them organically and comprehensively.
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