


computer-oriented training, computer-oriented methodological system of education, ICT, theory of probability and mathematical statistics, students, future teachers of computer science.


Introduction. The problem of using computer-based teaching aids in mathematics is very relevant today, especially for future computer science teachers, that are not interested in traditional teaching methods. Since the choice of teaching methods and tools, as well as forms of organization of the educational process are closely related, the implementation of computer-based approaches to learning requires the development of appropriate methods and teaching aids. Purpose. The main purpose is a theoretical substantiation of introduction of computer-oriented means of teaching probability theory and mathematical statistics of future teachers of computer science Methods. During the research such general theoretical pedagogical methods were used as analysis of scientific and scientific-methodical literature on this issue, analysis of educational programs, curricula, textbooks and manuals; generalization and systematization, comparison, classification. Results. The use of modern computer-based tools for teaching probability theory and mathematical statistics to future teachers of computer science are considered and theoretically justified. The main types of classes using computerbased learning systems, including computer-based lectures, computer-based practical classes and laboratory-practical classes using software are considered. The use of some software tools and programming languages in the teaching of this discipline is considered and theoretically substantiated. The combination of traditional and computer forms of education allows to intensify educational and cognitive activities in the study of mathematical disciplines, including theory of probability and mathematical statistics by future teachers of computer science. Originality. The paper considers and theoretically substantiates the use of computer-based tools in the educational process in in the teaching of theory of probability and mathematical statistics by future teachers of computer science. Conclusions. The use of computer-based tools for teaching theory of probability and mathematical statistics for future computer science teachers provides a number of methodological and methodological advantages over traditional teaching, enhances cognitive activity and improves the level of practical and professional training.


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