digital literacy, older preschool children, digital technologies, components of digital literacy, levels of digital literacy.Abstract
Introduction. The era of informatization of society was replaced by a new one – the era of digitalization. The latest technologies and unlimited amounts of information can qualitatively change the global market in general and the market of educational services in particular. Digital literacy is the most sought-after quality of a modern specialist, and the ability to operate with content is an indicator of a person's ability to successfully engage in any activity. Mastering digital literacy in preschool is not only a requirement of time, but also an advantage that has a positive effect on the formation of other vital skills and competencies. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the relevance of the formation of digital literacy in older preschool children, taking into account their age characteristics. The main research methods are the following: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, regulations and online content on digital literacy, as well as comparison, classification and generalization. Results. The concept of digital literacy implies the ability of an individual to independently and creatively apply digital technologies and systems in compliance with digital security standards. At the heart of the process of forming digital literacy of preschool children we see their cognitive development, highlighting its three key components: cognitive, activity and motivational. We consider it appropriate to differentiate the knowledge, skills and experience necessary to characterize each component. At the same time, we propose to compare the level of digital literacy of older preschool children with the following: knowledgeable, higher basic, basic, lower basic and formal. We see the originality in substantiating the relevance of digital literacy in preschool children and comparing the age characteristics of this category of children with their potential to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience to work with the digital world. The paper also summarizes the psychological and pedagogical provisions that should be followed in the process of forming digital literacy of older preschool children. Conclusion. The formation of digital literacy of older preschool children is an urgent need of modern society. At the same time, digital technologies are able to enrich the educational process of preschool education with a variety of ways and opportunities to access unlimited information and resources. Therefore, the educator is called to provide the necessary conditions for the successful development of this quality in the growing generation, which we consider a prospect for our further research.
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