media literacy, media education, modern information society, critical thinking, manipulations, fake information.Abstract
Introduction. The article reveals the problem of forming media literacy of population, development of critical thinking, protection from manipulation as a topical issue of the present. The leading role in solving this problem belongs to media literate teachers who would have thorough knowledge of media education and be able to use it practicaly, in preparing children for adulthood. Purpose. The aim of the study is to analyze the features of the formation of media literacy of the population from birth and throughout life. Study of the gradual introduction of media education in preschool, secondary and higher education institutions, with the help of methodologically sound areas, forms, tools and exercises. Methods. The analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature and information sources of the Internet is carried out; study and systematization of scientific sources in order to reveal the essence of the concept of “media literacy”, designing the gradual formation of media literacy of the individual from birth and throughout life. Induction and deduction were used to clarify the causal relationships between pedagogical phenomena, generalization of empirical data based on logical considerations from specific to general. Results. Sites, projects, portals, media resources, government registries and online services that help increase the level of competence of the population in the field of media have been invesrigated. Teachers’ activities, directions, schools, film clubs of media educational orientation have been revealed. In primary school, media education is implemented through the content line “Exploring the media”, a manual for teachers “Media literacy in primary school”. The manual contains a large number of games and practical exercises for development of primary schoolchildren’s media competence, in particular the game “3 statements about me”. In secondary and high school, learning of media education should take place through the integration of media messages into all disciplines and topics, as well as learning “Fundamentals of Media Culture” in the 10th grade. Originality. The essence of the concept of “media literacy” has been revealed, the gradual formation of the individual’s media literacy from birth and throughout life has been analyzed. It is pointed out that in preschool age awareness in the field of media is formed through the active involvement of administration, educators and interaction with parents, which involves selection, analysis and demonstration of cognitive and developmental media texts. The fact that critical thinking is the basis of media literacy has been emphasiяed. It should be developed from an early age. Knowledgeable in the field of media is armed. Media literacy is a vital skill that everyone should have. It is the knowledge which, without exaggeration, affects the fate of the country and vector of its development. Conclusion. Emphasis is placed on the fact that higher education institutions encourage teachers to increase the level of their media literacy by participating in courses, webinars and trainings. It is offered to introduce media education in higher education institutions in the process of studying compulsory and optional educational components, in particular “Fundamentals of Media Literacy”.
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