Crimean Peninsula, Crimean Tatars, curricula, educational content, multicultural competence, Other.Abstract
Research problem.The article deals with the representation of the Crimean peninsula and the Crimean Tatars in the content of school history education. This research task has been fulfilled by analyzing the curricula of the History of Ukraine in grades 9-11. The research states that the precondition for the appearance of the image of the Other in the school history course was the popularization of the idea of tolerance by Western grant donors in Ukraine. The author’s position is based on the assertion that the content of school history education is influenced by foreign and domestic political factors: European integration processes, the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation, the introduction of the “New Ukrainian School” system and more. Studying these and other factors, the author notes changes in the content of history curricula.The research has revealed that these changes are marked by the representation of the history of Crimea in political discourse, while social and cultural processes are only partly reflected.This makes it difficult for students to get acquainted with the representatives of otherness, to be aware of the functioning of intercultural communication and the interaction of cultures.Thus, according to the research, such a situation does not create optimal preconditions for the formation of multicultural competence of students. Purpose of the research: to analyze the (non-)presence of the Crimean Peninsula and Crimean Tatars in the content of the school course of the History of Ukraine in 9-11 grades. Research methods: retrospective, analysis and synthesis, generalization, induction. Main research results. The research has proven the influence of foreign and domestic political factors on changing the content of school history education. This is confirmed by the evolution of the representation of the history of the Crimean peninsula and Crimean Tatars. Scientific novelty of research results. The subject of the article has not yet been studied in domestic pedagogy. The perspective proposed by the author is that the regional history and the image of the Other appearing in it is the optimal pedagogical strategy, which creates preconditions for the representation of non-dominant groups in school history course. Their subjectivity in factual material is a platform for the formation of tolerance and multicultural competence of students. Conclusion and author’s specific proposals. The content of the school history course is changing not so much as a result of the refusal of the authors of school history programs from Ukrainian ethnocentrism, but as a result of foreign and domestic political factors. Nevertheless, the author evaluates these changes positively, interprets them as those that revive the real multicultural space of Ukraine and contribute to the formation of tolerance and multicultural competence of students. The author proposes to carry out further monitoring of educational programs, considering them as normative documents that demonstrate the perspective of “Ukrainian ethnocentrism – multicultural history” changes.
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