


health technologies, health, preschool education, educational process, physical activity.


Introduction. Today, the problem of health and its preservation is especially relevant. Starting with preschools, the concept of "health technologies" has become firmly entrenched in the education system. The state of health of the younger generation affects the well-being and active development of society. In recent decades, environmental problems, unhealthy nutrition, declining living standards of families, deteriorating mental and emotional balance of preschoolers, and health care have had a negative impact on children's health from an early age. That is why the issue of maintaining children's health is especially important. The task of the preschool institution is to organize an educational process that will maintain a high level of mental capacity of preschool children and at the same time contribute to the health of children. The purpose of the articleis to theoretically and methodically substantiate the relevance of the use of health technologies in preschool education. A set of research methods was used to solve the tasks: theoretical – analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, modeling and generalization – to study scientific sources, on the theoretical basis of the use of health technologies in preschool education. Results. In the course of the research the results were obtained, which testify to the solution of the set tasks and give grounds for the following conclusions: the concept of "health-preserving technologies" is analyzed; It has been established that the problem of health and its preservation is relevant today, which is why healthpreserving technologies are actively introduced in preschool institutions. Accordingly, there is a need to form specific knowledge, skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle and teach children to use the acquired knowledge in everyday life; the specifics of the use of health-preserving technologies in preschool educational institutions are characterized; The types of health-preserving technologies are considered and analyzed, namely: stretching, relaxation, breathing gymnastics, orthopedic gymnastics, sound gymnastics, reflexology, finger gymnastics or yoga, mind gymnastics, rhythmic plasticity; It is established that the effectiveness of the formation of a healthy lifestyle requires constant involvement of children in a healthy educational process, the formation of their position on strengthening and maintaining their own health; forms of work of the educator with parents for acquaintance with health-preserving technologies are considered; methodical recommendations for educators on the use of healthpreserving technologies in health care are offered. Originality. The scientific and practical significance of the research results is that the developed theoretical and methodological provisions are brought to the level of methodological recommendations that are proposed for implementation in the practice of preschool education. The main provisions of the study can be used in writing textbooks, manuals, guidelines, course, qualification and master's theses; parents of preschool children. Conclusion. The main criterion for the effectiveness of health education technologies is their impact on the child's development, increase its health reserves and, as a result, the child's willingness to easily adapt to changing environmental conditions. The effectiveness of health-preserving technologies is determined not only by quality, but also by competent "coherence" aimed at strengthening and maintaining the health of children. We believe that only the joint efforts of parents and educators can achieve the desired goal – the formation of the consciousness of a healthy preschooler. We see the prospects for further research in the problem we are researching in the further study of the issue of professional and pedagogical training of future teachers to use health technologies.


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