


competence, teacher competence, NUS, inclusion, inclusive competence.


Introduction. The article describes the essence of the concepts «competence», «professional competence», «inclusive competence» as a component of professional competence of a teacher. The purpose of our research is to reveal the phenomenon of inclusive competence as an integral characteristic of a modern teacher of the new ukrainian school. Methods. To achieve the purpose, a set of complementary methods: theoretical – analysis of normative documents, psychological and pedagogical literature and educational materials; synthesis, abstraction, generalization, forecasting, design, modelling; empirical – interviews, questionnaires, surveys, tests. Results. It was found that the unity of theoretical and practical readiness of a specialist to perform professional functions is a professional competence. Inclusive education is defined as a system of educational services based on the principle of ensuring the basic right of children to education and the right to receive it at the place of residence. Inclusive competence is interpreted as the level of knowledge and skills required to perform professional functions in an inclusive learning environment. The components of inclusive competence (motivational, cognitive, operational and reflexive) are singled out. The essence of each of the components of inclusive competence is clarified: – the motivational component of inclusive competence determines the direction, system of motives, needs, values of the teacher's personality, is a determinant of professional competence and a factor of its successful formation; – the cognitive component of the inclusive competence of the future teacher enables the integrity of ideas about socio-pedagogical activities, activates the cognitive work of the person, promotes the development and enrichment of cognitive experience; – the reflective component of inclusive competence is manifested in the ability to understand the basics of their own activities, during which they evaluate and rethink their abilities, personal achievements, as well as in the conscious control of the results of professional actions, analysis of real situations. Reflection enables self-knowledge, self-control, self-regulation and one's own self-development; – operational component of inclusive competence is the ability to perform specific professional tasks of sociopedagogical activities, to apply methods and experience of successful promotion of the process of inclusion of children and youth with special needs in the society of a secondary school, etc. Originality. The criteria and expediency of including inclusive competence in the structure of professional competences as a special competence are substantiated. Conclusions. Widespread implementation of the idea of inclusion in secondary schools of Ukraine largely depends on the qualifications of teachers. In this perspective, the problem of forming the Inclusive competence of the future teacher, which is an integrated personal education, becomes especially important. We see prospects for further research in the search for effective mechanisms and conditions that will contribute to the formation of inclusive competence in future teachers.


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