


international project, innovations, tendencies and prospects of development, institutions of higher education.


Introduction. The international project "Innovations in Higher Education: Trends and Prospects for Development", initiated by the scientific community of our academy together with representatives of higher education institutions and research institutions of foreign countries, has become traditional. The chronological milestones of its implementation were 2004, 2007, 2013, 2017 and 2021. This is the fifth meeting of the participants of the International Project, which at this stage was joined by scientists from 11 countries in Europe, Asia and America: Poland was represented by 8 scientific and educational institutions; Uzbekistan – 4; Belgium, Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, the USA, Finland and France – 1 each; Ukraine – 22. The peculiarity of the fifth traditional meeting of scientists – specialists in the field of pedagogy – was not only the online format of their work, but also the need to introduce promising innovations in educational and scientific space in the postpandemic nooepoch, and scientists characterized and transformed European and global dimensions. Purpose. The aim is to inform the scientific community about the International Project "Innovations in Higher Education: Trends and Prospects for Development", initiated by the scientific community of our academy together with representatives of higher education institutions and research institutions of foreign countries. Results. The resolution of the scientific forum highlights the need to introduce promising innovations in the educational and scientific space in the post-pandemic era, and scientists have characterized the transformation of innovation and innovation, and distinguished their European and global dimensions. Foreign and domestic participants of the online discourse in the scientific Internet space are presented and the work of the scientific forum, which took place in the format of scientific and studio meetings, is characterized. Originality. The international project "Innovations in Higher Education: Trends and Prospects for Development", initiated by the scientific community of our academy together with representatives of higher education institutions and research institutions of foreign countries, has become traditional. Conclusion. The work of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovation in Higher Education: Trends and Prospects" ended with a final scientific meeting, which summed up and adopted a resolution. A collection of scientific works has been published based on the materials of the international forum. The prospects of the sixth traditional meeting of scientists-specialists in the pedagogical sphere in 2025 are determined.


Інновації у вищій школі: перспективи розвитку : збірник матеріалів V Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. «Інновації у вищій школі : проблеми та перспективи в освіті і науці» / за ред. д. пед. н., проф. Бенери В. Є., д. пед. н., проф. Дем′яненко Н. М., д. пед. н., проф. Дороніної Т. О. Кременець : ВЦ КОГПА ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2021. Вип. 5. 184 с.

Програма V Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. «Інновації у вищій школі: проблеми та перспективи в освіті і науці». Кременець : ВЦ КОГПА ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2021. 32 с.

Вектор наукового дискурсу: від інновацій – до нооінновацій. URL: php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3365:2021-05-31-13-31-01&catid=6:2008-04-02-18-56

