non-traditional lesson, foreign language competence, method, foreign language teaching, students, teacher, couch, partner, facilitator.Abstract
The article reveals the essence of innovative forms and methods of teaching, highlights the features of planning, organizing and conducting non-traditional lessons, substantiates the feasibility of using such forms and methods as video lesson, holiday lesson, musical lesson, project lesson, interview lesson, ‘Flipped classroom’ method, moviebased learning, which, in turn, involves the widespread use of the Internet and educational platforms. Taking into account the specific goals and content of the lesson, as well as important psychological and pedagogical factors, the teacher determines the structure of the lesson, the appropriate techniques and forms of work. The priority goal of non-traditional lessons is formation and improvement of students’ foreign language competence and its practical application. The main function of the teacher as a partner, coach (consultant) and facilitator is to create a positive psychological climate in the classroom which will increase students’ interest and motivation to learning a foreign language. Non-traditional lessons are the key to students’ successful speech activity, thanks to which the latter get attached to the culture of the country of the studied language, enrich knowledge about the cultural heritage of their home country, which allows them to actively participate in cultural dialogue.
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